Wednesday, July 26, 2017

July 26, 2017 Wednesday #abs#loveyourneighbor#partydays#postmanBen#freetoheal!

Get Fit
I can only hope the sit ups and ab workouts keep my back strong.  I have learned to do the bulk of these on Wednesday before I go to the chiropractor, just in case.

Get Faith
Romans 13:9  "Love your neighbor as yourself."  The study writer took the verse as do you love yourself?  It's a good thought.  If you don't care for yourself, are critical and disappointed in your life, then it might be difficult to love your neighbor.  But be reminded, God loves you as you are, created in His image and capable of many good things.  I like the thought at the end by Victor Alfsen "God can do wonders with a broken heart if you give Him all the pieces."  Give Him your pieces today!

On this day
1981  My party days.  I had been out on the boat with friends the day before and came home to my neighbors having a party that I had to put in a showing with also.  Betty and Bill next door, John and Joan across the street would not let me - not come over.  It was quite late when I got to bed and also when I got up on this day, Sunday morning.  My refrigerator was full of food from the boat party and I took it to Betty and Bills this day and feasted with them.  Their house was just east of mine, in the middle of 5 lots, 3 which were vacant and fenced.  They had a huge German shepherd that guarded my east boarder, even from the police.  A story for another day.  They sold the lots and houses were built and then their house that they had sold, burned down last year.  Things change.

1775 - A postal system was established by the 2nd Continental Congress of the United States. The first Postmaster General was Benjamin Franklin. I did not know that!  Ole Ben had his hand in a lot!

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit  Marshall Islands


In 1979, the Government of the Marshall Islands was officially established and the country became self-governing.
In 1986, the Compact of Free Association with the United States entered into force, granting the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) its sovereignty. The Compact provided for aid and U.S. defense of the islands in exchange for continued U.S. military use of the missile testing range at Kwajalein Atoll. The independence procedure was formally completed under international law in 1990, when the UN officially ended the Trusteeship status pursuant to Security Council Resolution 683. The Republic was admitted to the UN in 1991.
In 2003, the US created a new Compact of Free Association for the Republic Marshall Islands and Micronesia, with funding of $3.5 billion to be made over the next 20 years.[39]  
  I hope these islands have regenerated their eco systems.  $$$

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Amy, Walter and Yehiel!

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