Sunday, July 9, 2017

July 9, 2017 Sunday #alone#busy#fishing!

Get Faith
I  went to church on Wednesday because I'm never sure if I will have to go into the shop because someone calls in.  But being home on Sunday morning is weird to me so I watched Reverend Stanley.  He gives a great message, always relevant and never condemning.  His audience is always a mixture of people that tells me he relates well.  This morning he spoke of having a "war room", a place where you can be on your knees praying, place you can "shut the door" and have time alone with God, as Jesus said to do.  After listening to him and thinking "this is a great message for me" I opened my daily prayer journal and read this Mark 6:31 "And He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while."  I  got the message and had to cry because He is always there for me, reaches out to me and I should do so much more.  God is SO good.  I love him SO much.

On this day
1993- entire post - "Toto to Vet, Nicole and I to church to set up for VBS.  McDonalds for lunch with Deubels & Foutys.  Ben came home with Nicole to play.  Adele called  (I) PU Merri  took her to DR.  Home pizza, Laura over took her and Nicole to Nicks BB game called 2nd inning bad storm, dropped off Laura.  Home sewed patches for Marty."  Now! that was a full day much like many mothers have. It was a tough year, Mark had left just before this and I knew I was going to give up my job as a stay at home Mom and go back to work.  God provides.  Remember those names Nicole?

0118 - Hadrian, Rome's new emperor, made his entry into the city. Was this the guy that built the wall?  I really should study history more.

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit  Marshall Islands
Trophy MarlinA huge fish which was caught close to Majuro Atoll. Over 300 pounds! The date was July 6th, 2013 and the tournament was the Marshalls Billfish Club 31st Annual Fisherman’s Day July Tournament.  Now that's a fish!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Tillie and Noah!

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