Monday, July 24, 2017

July 24, 2017 Monday#rehydrate#Beholy#benign#Mormons#Trustlol!

Get Fit
After an extremely busy weekend I have to build up my strength for the week ahead which looks like it will be exhausting.  Fortunately today there is a kind cool breeze blowing  in the window.  I believe the word for the day is water.  After cooking in an extremely hot kitchen yesterday, water will help the system get its energy and life back.  I'll let you know if it works.

Get Faith
1 Peter 1:16  "Because it is written, "Be holy, for I am holy."   God continues to remind us that He wants us to be with Him.  He subtly reminds me everyday like this story today about Ethel Waters singing "His eye is on the sparrow" and reminding us how we are more valuable to Him than the sparrow.  You too can be His holy child, forgiven, accepted and loved.

on this day
1979  I drove over to my Mom's in the morning and we went to Beaumont Hospital.  I was 32 and not especially looking forward to having a mole and lump removed from my breast.  I remember waking up and having a huge bandage on my right chest and thinking the worse.  They removed the breast.  I think some doctors have a strange sense of humor - it was a benign cyst and I went home to Mom's for some momcare.  So many others are not that fortunate and now that I have had the lung cancer surgery I can identify.

1847 - Mormon leader Brigham Young and his followers arrived in the valley of the Great Salt Lake in present-day Utah. Thinking that must have been quite a trek!

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit  Marshall Islands

Nuclear testing during the Cold War[edit]

Mushroom cloud from the largest atmospheric nuclear test the United States ever conducted, Castle Bravo.
American bunker located in Bikini Atoll
Rear of bunker
From 1946 to 1958, the early years of the Cold War, the United States tested 67 nuclear weapons at its Pacific Proving Grounds located in the Marshall Islands,[32] including the largest atmospheric nuclear test ever conducted by the U.S., code named Castle Bravo.[33] "The bombs had a total yield of 108,496 kilotons, over 7,200 times more powerful than the atomic weapons used during World War II."[34] With the 1952 test of the first U.S. hydrogen bomb, code named "Ivy Mike," the island of Elugelab in the Enewetak atoll was destroyed. In 1956, the United States Atomic Energy Commissionregarded the Marshall Islands as "by far the most contaminated place in the world."[35]
Nuclear claims between the U.S. and the Marshall Islands are ongoing, and health effects from these nuclear tests linger.[33] [36] Project 4.1 was a medical study conducted by the United States of those residents of the Bikini Atoll exposed to radioactive fallout. From 1956 to August 1998, at least $759 million was paid to the Marshallese Islanders in compensation for their exposure to U.S. nuclear weapon testing.[37][38]

So trust didn't turn out well for them. I love our country but we can be terribly irresponsible.

Enjoy the day Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday To Chip and Kristina!

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