Tuesday, July 25, 2017

July 25, 2017 Tuesday#Fittocook#Possible!!#vacay#kids#KissAc/Dc#paradiselost!

Get Fit
Aerobics and weights today.  Later I will be lifting large pans of pasta and meatballs, keep me in your prayers!

Get Faith
Mark 10:27  "Looking at them, Jesus said, "With people it is impossible, but not with God, for things are possible with God.""  God always provides, like today, he provides me with two good friends to help me make dinner for 55 hungry youth and leaders who are doing his work.  They are helping a city that is coming back from a lot of abuse.  In 50 years, since the riots in Detroit the city has suffered great loss and deterioration.  With God's help anything is possible and we will help see Detroit come back to a good place for people to live and grow.

On this day
1980  Andy and Adele were at their cottage in St Helen with the girls.  My brother Mark and I went by and picked up Merri and Lindsey and took them with us to Gaylord to see Grandma and Grandpa for the weekend.  When you have kids you don't sit around and watch TV or play cards - you get busy!  Thank God for kids!

1980 - KISS introduced their new drummer, Eric Carr, at a concert at the Paladium in New York City. 

1980 - AC/DC released "Back In Black." It was their first album with Brian Johnson as lead singer. 

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit Marshall Islands

The Marshall Islands, Majuro, Photo by Stefan Lins.
When I first read about the Marshall Islands, my mind immediately went to Lost, the epic television series that most people started watching almost a decade ago. We started watching it last month on Netflix. Please excuse me for being a little out of date, but in all honesty, thinking about these hundreds of tiny, tropical islands floating in the vast Pacific Ocean, I can’t help but think how easy it would be to get Lost there – hidden away forever.
Part of me desperately clings to the idea of a life filled with peace and solitude, where there is nothing to do but watch the tides come and go. I am comforted to know that, in some parts of the world – like the remote corners of the Marshall Islands, this is a reality.  Better than the history lessons we have had of this place lately.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Norma, Kelly and Airyan!

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