Wednesday, July 12, 2017

July 12, 2017 Wednesday #Move!#Dream#Coach#Peerthehemit#JohnMarshallnotmicronesians

Get Fit
Did some aerobics this morning to get a little energy going.  Still visiting the chiropractor to get my neck back in shape so I can get back to other things.  Be aware of what is going on with your body and do what it needs to keep you moving!

Get Faith
Joel 2:28  "I will pour out my spirit on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions."  This from the old testament book of Joel, is an interesting and mind provoking statement.  So much to think about.  I'm going to talk about old men will dream dreams.  Now that I am 70 I can relate to this.  I was always a dreamer, it is what kept me from being a better scholar and employee.  I guess over the years reality sets in and we become aware of what is reality.  I am happy with my life and realize this is my life and I noticed I don't daydream like I used to.  So, the statement about old men will dream dreams becomes more surprising an issue, like an uplifting, promising thing.  The Spirit being poured out on all people.

On this day
1997  My shining hour.  Nicole was on the All Star softball team, she always was, but the great thing here was I got to be the All Star coach this year.  Peggy had somewhere else to be.  And our team won 20 - 15!!!  Lindsey Prince another girl from our own team invited Nicole to spend the night at her house and celebrate.  Life's little pleasures.

1096 - Crusaders under Peter the Hermit reached Sofia, Bulgaria. There they met their Byzantine escort, which brought them safely the rest of the way to Constantinople. by August 1. If Peter was a hermit how he could he lead the Crusaders?

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit  Marshall Islands
Micronesian colonists gradually settled the Marshall Islands during the 2nd millennium BC, with inter-island navigation made possible using traditional stick charts. Islands in the archipelago were first explored by Europeans in the 1520s, with Spanish explorer Alonso de Salazar sighting an atoll in August 1526. Other expeditions by Spanish and English ships followed. The islands derive their name from British explorer John Marshall, who visited in 1788. The islands were historically known by the inhabitants as "jolet jen Anij" (Gifts from God).[5]  It never fails to amaze me that often when I am in a locale there is something on the news
about it.  Right now it is Amelia Earhardt being their in a photo before she disappeared.  Is it
my imagination or ?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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