Friday, July 28, 2017

July 28, 2017 Friday#eatright#friends#score#ethics#damagedone!

Get Fit
Just looked at a site that suggested some foods can help or hurt depression.  If you suffer with this, as many people do, you might want to take a look and see if it helps.

Get Faith
Proverbs 17:17  "A true friend is always loyal...."  I am blessed with a lot of friends.  Sandy and I have been friends since we were 10, Waynette 12.  Christine and I met in 1966.  Pam and Norma and I go back to the early 70's along with Patrick and Ty,  Betty I met in the 80's.  Monna in the 90's.  I recently met Judy at church maybe 5 or 6 years ago but would have to include her here too.  I could go on and really, they are very good friends that I communicate with regularly - then of course my travel club friends and my cousins and my buddy Don..  They are better blessings than all the gold in the world.  I thank God for all of them, pray for them and hope I am as good a friend to them as they have been to me.

On this day
1984  Here is a memory for 3 of my besties.  Pam and Norma and I went out on a turn boat in Lake Erie to score the race for the offshore boats.  The guys on the boat - may have been gay, it was a fun day with a lot of food and hospitality!  Straight guys are never that accommodating and they never hit on the 3 great looking blonds on their boat.  Just a really pleasant  day!  Afterwards we spent the night at Betty's after a great Italian dinner somewhere - well Mark and I did.  The race was out of Portside in Wyandotte.  Anyone remember?

1865 - The American Dental Association proposed its first code of ethics. I seem to remember these people were also blacksmiths?  Am I confused?

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit  Marshall Islands

Following the 2013 emergencies, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Tony deBrum was encouraged by the Obama administration in the United States to turn the crises into an opportunity to promote action against climate change. DeBrum demanded new commitment and international leadership to stave off further climate disasters from battering his country and other similarly vulnerable countries. In September 2013, the Marshall Islands hosted the 44th Pacific Islands Forum summit. DeBrum proposed a Majuro Declaration for Climate Leadership to galvanize concrete action on climate change.[43]
Rising sea levels are threatening the islands. Regardless of the cause, much of the area of the islands may become uninhabitable if the levels become excessive. Major flooding occurred in 2014 leading to a state of emergency for Majuro.[44] Thousands of islanders have already moved to the US over the past decades for medical treatment and for better education or employment, many settling in Arkansas; emigration is likely to increase as sea levels rise.[45] The right of residents to do so ends in 2023 unless the Compact with the US is renewed. The United States Geological Survey in 2014 warned that rising sea levels will salinize the fresh water on the islands, "thus likely forcing inhabitants to abandon their islands in decades, not centuries, as previously thought". [46][47][48][49]
A report in mid 2017 by Stanford University, some 70 years after 23 atomic bombs were detonated on Bikini Atoll, indicates abundant fish and plant life in the coral reefs. That area of the islands was still not inhabitable by humans, however, due to contamination by radioactivity. A 2012 report by the United Nations had indicated that the contamination was "near-irreversible".[50]   I hate to be be negative but what difference does climate change make on an
area already irreversibly damaged by bombs.?   Little I'm guessing.  Can we learn?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Rebecca, Jeff and  Sabrina.

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