Wednesday, July 19, 2017

July 19, 2017 Wednesday #wise=smart?#staff#Catholicprinces#donotputashore!

Get Faith
Proverbs 15:33 "Humility and reverence for the Lord will make you both wise and honored."  These two attributes may be outdated.  Wise and honored have become old people things, I'm thinking.  Do you think of wise as being book smart, well educated or even street smart?  Do you think of honored as someone who gets a grammy or an emmy?  Who do you know that shows humility, that doesn't brag about their accomplishments?  I can say I know people that have reverence for the Lord, is it enough?  Something to think about and why.

On this day
2016  Last year,  I was working at CaptainKool 7 days a week.  I had gone through a lot of office staff and somehow they were all back this year looking for their jobs back.  Last year, Paradise left when I had to let a girl go that just couldn't keep up.  Paradise, didn't even like her but quit in solidarity.  I was alone for a week in a typically 3 person office when Liliya walked in the door and I hired her on the spot when she said she was looking for work. Paradise came back the next day asking for her job back.   This week I had to let Liliya go because she was off so much.  Paradise will be back from her vacation tomorrow, I will let you know if she quits.  I' m retired.  How do you handle staff?

1525 - The Catholic princes of Germany formed the Dessau League to fight against the Reformation. Now this really looks like a good read.

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit  Marshall Islands

Other European contact[edit]

Captain John Charles Marshall and Thomas Gilbert visited the islands in 1788. The islands were named for Marshall on Western charts, although the natives have historically named their home "jolet jen Anij" (Gifts from God).[8] Around 1820, Russian explorer Adam Johann von Krusenstern and the French explorer Louis Isidore Duperrey named the islands after John Marshall, and drew maps of the islands. The designation was repeated later on British maps.[citation needed] In 1824 the crew of the American whaler Globe mutinied and some of the crew put ashore on Mulgrave Island. One year later, the American schooner Dolphin arrived and picked up two boys, the last survivors of a massacre by the natives due to their brutal treatment of the women.[19]:2
A number of vessels visiting the islands were attacked and their crews killed. In 1834, Captain DonSette and his crew were killed. Similarly, in 1845 the schooner Naiad punished a native for stealing with such violence that the natives attacked the ship. Later that year a whaler's boat crew were killed. In 1852 the San Francisco-based ships Glencoe and Sea Nymph were attacked and everyone aboard except for one crew member were killed. The violence was usually attributed as a response to the ill treatment of the natives in response to petty theft, which was a common practice. In 1857, two missionaries successfully settled on Ebon, living among the natives through at least 1870.[19]:3
The international community in 1874 recognized the Spanish Empire's claim of sovereignty over the islands as part of the Spanish East Indies.  Violence begets violence.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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