Thursday, July 6, 2017

July 6, 2017 Thursday #longwalkoffashortpier#forever#toast#coconutoil!

Get Fit
My plan is to go for a few walks with one  being to the fishing pier to relax by the lake.

Get Faith
Deuteronomy 33:27  "The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are (His) everlasting arms."
This is from the 5th book of the old Testament, with a message that is repeated continually through the Bible.  God is eternal and God is our strength for this life and our destiny for the next life.   You can trust God to be there for you - you just need to be there for God.

On this day
1988  My neighbors had two little boys and occasionally, I would have them for the day while they worked.  David and Josh were great kids and our families spent a lot of time together.  Nicole was three this year so I'm guessing Josh was two and not as comfortable to be away from his Mom.  Aaron (11) was here though and David (7)  loved Aaron - Josh loved Nicole's   Little Tyke kitchen and he made toast all day long.  David, the dad, and my brother Andy installed a new front door for me that evening.  Even though Mark was at the boat store most days my house was always a beehive of activity.  I loved it and fondly remember these old neighbors.

1483 - King Richard III of England was crowned. Here is your Jeopardy question for the day.

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit Marshall Islands


On September 15, 2007, Witon Barry, of the Tobolar Copra processing plant in the Marshall Islands' capital of Majuro, said power authorities, private companies and entrepreneurs had been experimenting with coconut oil as an alternative to diesel fuel for vehicles, power generators and ships. Coconut trees abound in the Pacific's tropical islands. Copra from 6 to 10 coconuts makes 1 litre of oil.[2]
The town has a port, shopping district, hotels, and an international airport.  Think how nice the emissions would smell with coconut oil fuel. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Fiona!

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