Tuesday, July 18, 2017

July 18, 2017 Tuesday #energy!!#giftoffaith#Give#beadsforbugs.

Get Fit
Did some aerobics this morning in hopes of gaining that all elusive energy!  The more I sit that harder to be fit!!

Get Faith
2 Peter 1:2  "May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord."  This is Peter saying a prayer in greeting to someone he is sharing his faith with.  What more can we ask for a friend or loved one that they be blessed with God's grace and the peace that accompanies it.  He also asked the it be acknowledged through Jesus to God so the blessing would be multiplied!  As disciples, to share a greeting of  this type requests no thank you note in  return.

On this day
2015  I loved this week that year.  It was the National Gathering in Detroit and Nicole called me and said they needed me  to come down and work at Cobo Hall at the Abled Wheelchair Area.  I jumped in my car and went to the convention area where there were many events sectioned off for people to participate in.  The wheelchair event was designed to let people know what it is like to live in a wheelchair.  There were two lines reaching back quite a distance waiting for this event.  They had to start off by pulling themselves up a steep ramp (no legs) with their  arms, make a sharp turn and open a door to enter a building, much like a public bathroom.  It was an eye opener.  After a few hours I was relieved by another worker to work someplace else and helped where I could.  As I was leaving Cobo at the end - I saw Nicole's group coming back off the bus from the mission trip to clean up a neighborhood.  They were hot, dirty and sweaty but smiling and joking like they were at a party.  It feels good to give.

0064 - The Great Fire of Rome began.  I wonder how long it lasted and why they called it great.

Dalap-Uliga-Djarrit Marshall Islands

Spanish colony[edit]

Spanish explorer Alonso de Salazar was the first European to see the islands in 1526, commanding the ship Santa Maria de la Victoria, the only surviving vessel of the Loaísa Expedition. On August 21, he sighted an island (probably Taongi) at 14°N that he named "San Bartolome".[13]
On September 21, 1529, Álvaro de Saavedra Cerón commanded the Spanish ship Florida, on his second attempt to recross the Pacific from the Maluku Islands. He stood off a group of islands from which local inhabitants hurled stones at his ship. These islands, which he named "Los Pintados", may have been Ujelang. On October 1, he found another group of islands where he went ashore for eight days, exchanged gifts with the local inhabitants and took on water. These islands, which he named "Los Jardines", may have been Enewetak or Bikini Atoll.[14][15]
The Spanish ship San Pedro and two other vessels in an expedition commanded by Miguel López de Legazpi discovered an island on January 9, 1530, possibly Mejit, at 10°N, which they named "Los Barbudos". The Spaniards went ashore and traded with the local inhabitants. On January 10, the Spaniards sighted another island that they named "Placeres", perhaps Ailuk; ten leagues away, they sighted another island that they called "Pajares" (perhaps Jemo). On January 12, they sighted another island at 10°N that they called "Corrales" (possibly Wotho). On January 15, the Spaniards sighted another low island, perhaps Ujelang, at 10°N, where they described the people on "Barbudos".[16][17] After that, ships including the San JeronimoLos Reyes and Todos los Santos also visited the islands in different years.
The islanders had no immunity to European diseases and many died as a result of contact with the Spanish.[18]  Ok, this is an interesting account of the discovery and very sad that what they traded
turned out to be deadly.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Shannon, Jim and Adam!

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