Thursday, August 31, 2017

August 31, 2017 Thursday #Getup!#Prayerishuge!#Rocco!#Fresno!

Get Fit
Really tired myself out yesterday but I do want to get something in later.  Do you promise yourself some type of activity in the day?  That is good!  Keep it on your mind and don't settle into that couch. TV watching is not a sport that does you any physical good.

Get Faith
Psalm 33:12  "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."  Wow how much impact does that have? We have read many times how whole cities, countries and nations have been lost because they did not trust in God to keep them blessed.  I'm wondering what countries of this world would be safe today.  I did read about Bhutan, the other day, while China and India had "words" with little Bhutan in the middle - Bhutan prayed.  The entire country went to prayer and the conflict was stilled.  Being a small country surrounded by two, nuclear powered powers can't be easy, but they chose the best way to deal with their situation.  We should take a lesson from them.

On this day
1983  When you work in an office at a small company month end means billing.  I did company billing for two companies for close to 50 years.  Getting those statements out was paramount.  So that was at work.  Then I went out to Macomb County jail to see my probationer, Richard, as he had accomplished exactly what I told him to avoid - spending his 18th birthday in jail.  I probably wasn't the birthday present he expected "told you so".  I also had a guy I worked with - Tom Rocco move into my empty bedroom.  I think he lived with me for two years.  Quiet, nice looking guy that loved his car more than the women he dated.  I worked with him for maybe 15 years.  I wonder where he is now?  Not on facebook, I've checked.

1823 - Ferdinand VII was restored to the throne of Spain when invited French forces entered Cadiz. The event is known as the Battle of Trocadero. Is this the guy Abba sang the song about? 

From East Honolulu to Fresno California
It's a travel day!  Let's go home to the mainland and try a little California based in Fresno.  Enjoy!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August 30, 2017 Wednesday #walking#allfaithisgood#Dance#tshirttime!

Get Fit
I know that walking will be my exercise of choice today.  My friend is here and we are going to take a walking tour of downtown Detroit, maybe drive through Ferndale and Royal Oak and then the Harper Avenue Classic cruise tonight.  Wearing my fitbit!!

Get Faith
Nahum 1:7  "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.  He cares for those who trust in him."  This is repeated so often in the Bible, you need to take it to heart!  "a refuge in times of trouble".  I had dinner with my friend Linda and her sister yesterday.  Her sister has had times of trouble, many, in her life and was rescued by the Jehovah Witness.  They have given her the strength and faith she needs to navigate her past and future.  In my interest in all people and their beliefs I began to ask her of her faith so I could differentiate their beliefs and the difference.  When I discovered in our conversation what that was - I backed out, I actually think God sealed my lips.  She needs that faith to face health issues and life as she knows it.  This morning the hymn that came up for me to look at was Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty.  It is a song about the Trinity.  The Lord IS good! (If interested I am sure there is a site where you can look into the Jehovah Witness)

On this day
1982  Was a very busy year.  I was involved with boat racing and had a very robust social life.  My friends are very supportive of each other, well mostly the guys were, but I was pretty tight with everyone and on this day they had a huge fundraiser for Danny L.  I can't really remember the reason but what I do remember is that it was at a hall that played great music and one of my favorite two dance partners were there.  Terry Purdy was loved or hated by all.  He was his own man, did things his own way and was a great dancer.  We could clear a floor doing the old Social to Bob Seeger playing "Night Moves".  I hope Danny did well, I believe he did, I know I have never forgotten the night of dancing with Terry.  RIP Terry!

1982 - P.L.O. leader Yasir Arafat left Beirut for Greece. I imagine this was important.  Is the PLO still in existance?

Hawaii  East Honolulu

 Time to get some souvenirs leaving here tomorrow!!

Enjoy the day!   Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sarah!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

August 29, 2017 Tuesday #riprichard#ageappropriate#Sylvianomore#welcomeHawaii!

Get Fit
It was a last time and sad day for Richard Simmons Tone and Stretch.  After finishing the warm up, legs and arms workout I reran the tape and when I removed it the tape was hanging out like a main vein of life support that gave up the ghost.  Most of my vcr tapes have died this year.  After 20 years of use - I don't blame them, they have earned their rest.  Now,  I will have to find an exercise on TV at that time of the day!  New experience!

Get Faith
Psalm 71:1-2  In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion.  Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape" incline thine ear unto me, and save me.  If I have read this before it doesn't come to mind.  The first part about "let me never be put to confusion" has greater meaning in my life now.  I have never thought to ask God to intercede on my - taking on too much and trying to do it all, agenda, which leads to confusion.  I think the answer is in the second part about "cause me to escape".  We all need to escape the busyness of life and escape to a quiet, calm place of rest on occasion.  You might want to join me in the prayer to have God "incline thine ear unto me,".  Think about that today. Peace.

On this day
1981  We all make mistakes.  On this day I helped a girl named Sylvia move in with me.  After all of her stuff was in she brings in a lab puppy.  I had a dog - Ziggy and wasn't happy about her not telling me about her dog, but it was cute.  She also moved her boyfriend in.  I liked Frank but soon found out I didn't like Sylvia.  She was a Princess that left messes for me to clean up like, dishes, clothes and puppy poo.  She grew angry that Frank and I would have meaningful conversations when she did not have a clue what we were talking about.  She ate MY food.  Then the extreme.  My dog got sick and on taking it to the vet found out it had Parvo.  Ziggy died in a week and then I found out her dog was the one that brought it into the house.  I asked her to move.  I have had many people live with me, that is why my house was called the Lodge - that was the worse one.  Live and learn.

1828 - A patent was issued to Robert Turner for the self-regulating wagon brake. Did this become obsolete in 100 years when the cars came along or did they find it useful in cars?

Hawaii - East Honolulu

Political changes of 1954 – the State of Hawaii (1959–present)

Three young women pack pineapples into cans in 1928.
Prior to the postwar labor movement, Hawaii was governed by plantation owners. Here, three young women pack pineapples into cans in 1928.
In the 1950s, the power of the plantation owners was broken by the descendants of immigrant laborers, who were born in Hawaii and were U.S. citizens. They voted against the Hawaii Republican Party, strongly supported by plantation owners. The new majority voted for the Democratic Party of Hawaii, which dominated territorial and state politics for more than 40 years. Eager to gain full representation in Congress and the Electoral College, residents actively campaigned for statehood. In Washington there was talk that Hawaii would be a Republican Party stronghold so it was matched with the admission of Alaska, seen as a Democratic Party stronghold. These predictions turned out to be inaccurate; today, Hawaii votes Democratic predominately, and Alaska votes Republican.[88][89][90][91]
In March 1959, Congress passed the Hawaii Admission Act, which U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed into law.[92] The act excluded Palmyra Atoll from statehood; it had been part of the Kingdom and Territory of Hawaii. On June 27, 1959, a referendum asked residents of Hawaii to vote on the statehood bill; 94.3% voted in favor of statehood and 5.7% opposed it.[93] The referendum asked voters to choose between accepting the Act and remaining a U.S. territory. The United Nations' Special Committee on Decolonization later removed Hawaii from its list of non-self-governing territories.
After attaining statehood, Hawaii quickly modernized through construction and a rapidly growing tourism economy. Later, state programs promoted Hawaiian culture.[which?] The Hawaii State Constitutional Convention of 1978 created institutions such as the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to promote indigenous language and culture.[citation needed]  Progress! 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Ken!

Monday, August 28, 2017

August 28, 2017 Monday #ampup!#Awesome!#Linda#badpress!

Get Fit
Started my week with AM yoga.  My schedule has been off but I think I have been getting "some" exercise in, walking comes to mind.  Do you find that you are more active in summer?  We are going into the fall which is a perfect time to amp up the workouts!  Cooler weather makes us less lethargic I think, what about you?

Get Faith
Psalm 103 12-13  (is my favorite psalm)  "As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.  As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him."  You gotta love God!  Here he tells you that he has removed your sins as far away from you as he possibly can!  Like a loving parent God warns us of danger in our lives, ie - if you touch that it will burn you!  Fear can be a healthy tool.  Our God is the best example of parenting and love you will ever know!

On this day
1979  I called Linda and we met at Rose Shores to play racquetball.  It was the thing to do in those days.  Afterward we went to Archies for dinner.  Two thoughts, I have no idea where Archies is or was and I guess we weren't probably dieting then.  Linda and I have remained friends even though she moved to Texas in 1982.  As a matter of fact, she is here with me this week visiting - but I'm sure we won't play racquetball.  We have had some exercise though!!  Yay Linda!

1609 - Delaware Bay was discovered by Henry Hudson. Isn't it Hudson Bay?  

(Last week here)   In 1899 Uncle Sam balances his new possessions which are depicted as savage children. The figures are Puerto Rico, Hawaii, CubaPhilippinesand "Lad robes" (the Mariana Islands).This is the type of media I still see prevalent in our country.  Very counter productive.  This is horrible, not funny.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Matthew, bill and Karen!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

August 22, 2017 Tuesday #dosomething!#claytochina#elbowandtow#sosorry!

Get Fit
Pilates with the ring.  Works out the legs, arms and abs with a resistant band.  Not real strenuous but a good toner.  Keeping your legs strong assures you can do the walk later.

Get Faith
Jeremiah 18:6  "Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand."  In Genesis we read we are formed from clay which is moldable, to be shaped by genetics, environment and choice.  If we are smart we allow God to shape us into the best we can be.  We also have that free will that God gives us - like a catch 22.  If you pay attention to God's word and follow His advice I am sure you will make the best choices for your life to shape into.  When we are done with this life the pottery is cast off.  Your  soul, what you have stored in your heart is what God will look at then.  He is loving and kind and offers the best opportunity for you to be a fine piece of China in his cabinet.

On this day
1976 - Oh to be young!  Pete and I went to the marina. (We were driving around in my Austin Healy with the top down those days)  We went to Patchetts house out in Algonac for a party, then all the way to Trenton for another party at Art and Judy's.  These were two separate groups of friends.  What it says though is that while driving and I had my arm on the window, a rock hit my elbow.  It hurt real bad.  Now,  how many of you have driven with your arm resting on the open window?  Has anyone else ever caught a rock in the elbow?  I took a stone to the toe wearing sandals once on a motorcycle also.  How random was that?  Two things I never did again.  This has been a public service announcement.  You are welcome!

1902 - In Hartford, CTU.S. President Theodore Roosevelt became the first president of the United States to ride in an automobile. I hope he didn't have his elbow out the window.


Overthrow of 1893 – the Republic of Hawaii (1894–1898)

Queen Liliʻuokalani, seated inside ʻIolani Palace.
Queen Liliʻuokalani, the last reigning monarch of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
The ʻIolani Palace in Honolulu, formerly the residence of the Hawaiian monarch, was the capitol of the Republic of Hawaii.
In January 1893, Queen Liliʻuokalani was overthrown and replaced by a provisional government composed of members of the American Committee of Safety. American lawyer Sanford B. Dole became President of the Republic when the Provisional Government of Hawaii ended on July 4, 1894. Controversy ensued in the following years as the Queen tried to regain her throne. The administration of President Grover Clevelandcommissioned the Blount Report, which concluded that the removal of Liliʻuokalani had been illegal. The U.S. government first demanded that Queen Liliʻuokalani be reinstated, but the Provisional Government refused.
Congress conducted an independent investigation, and on February 26, 1894, submitted the Morgan Report, which found all parties, including Minister Stevens—with the exception of the Queen—"not guilty" and not responsible for the coup.[76] Partisans on both sides of the debate questioned the accuracy and impartiality of both the Blount and Morgan reports over the events of 1893.[75][77][78][79]
In 1993, the US Congress passed a joint Apology Resolution regarding the overthrow; it was signed by President Bill Clinton. The resolution apologized for the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom and acknowledged that the United States had annexed Hawaii unlawfully.[79]  If you have been following this with me I hope you are as appalled by our behavior 
as I am, right down to the apology - too little too late.  Did you get the name Dole while reading 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Elizabeth (1) Lauren, Carmen, Linda 
Ken and Kevin!  Wow!

Monday, August 21, 2017

August 21, 2017 Monday #noplanks#worriesandcares#Scotland!#discouraginghistory!

Get Fit
Did a warm up and legs and arms work out with Rita today.  Having poison ivy on your palm limits what you can do - but so far so good!

Get Faith
1 Peter 5:7  "Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you."  I think of the plagues God sent to His people and have to wonder if one of them was poison ivy.  I was given steroid cortisone ointment and I'm still complaining.  Do you wonder why God even created poison ivy?  I have been giving it a lot of thought lately.  How did I escape getting it all these years and now I have it.  I don't think He planned it for me, it is one of the lessons we learn in life "leaves of three, let it be", that we don't pay attention to.  Some lessons are harder to learn with bigger repercussions than this.  He doesn't want me to have poison ivy - what doesn't He want for you that is hurting your life.  Let Him have all your worries and cares.

On this day
2015  Was a wonderful day!  Pam came over and her Nicole and I went to Don's house where DJ picked us all up and took us to the airport.  We checked in and then dined on McDonald's.  Then we finally boarded the plane headed for Scotland!  It is a long flight - we arrived in Amsterdam at midnight but it was already 6am there - we lost the nighttime and sleep but not the excitement for the trip.  Wish we could have spent some time in Amsterdam but they whisked us off by bus to a small plane that took us into Glasgow.  What a great trip!  It was for Nicole's 30th birthday!

1680 - The Pueblo Indians drove the Spanish out and took possession of Santa Fe, NMAre they still there or did we "relocate" them?  I shouldn't read history it is very discouraging and we don't learn.


1887 Constitution and overthrow preparations

In 1887, Kalākaua was forced to sign the 1887 Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Drafted by white businessmen and lawyers, the document stripped the king of much of his authority. It established a property qualification for voting that effectively disenfranchised most Hawaiians and immigrant laborers and favored the wealthier, white elite. Resident whites were allowed to vote but resident Asians were not. Because the 1887 Constitution was signed under threat of violence, it is known as the Bayonet Constitution. King Kalākaua, reduced to a figurehead, reigned until his death in 1891. His sister, Queen Liliʻuokalani, succeeded him; she was the last monarch of Hawaiʻi.[74]
In 1893, Queen Liliʻuokalani announced plans for a new constitution. On January 14, 1893, a group of mostly Euro-American business leaders and residents formed the Committee of Safety to stage a coup d'état against the kingdom and seek annexation by the United States. United States Government Minister John L. Stevens, responding to a request from the Committee of Safety, summoned a company of U.S. Marines. According to historian William Russ, these troops effectively rendered the monarchy unable to protect itself.[75]  If not the US then someone else.  But it is progress, right?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Carl!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

August 20, 2017 Sunday #Paths#PoisonIvy#Bering#Kamehameha

Get Faith
Psalm 119:32  "I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free."  We all have paths that we run, some good and some bad.  I have picked some bad paths in my life but I believe the Lord has put signs up for me to find me way back to the right path.  We can follow the "popular " path, or the "fast" path and sometimes paths that lead us into destructive habits, but the path that God puts us on gives us freedom from anxiety that this world gives us.  When things in this life lead us to thinking that this is the important thing we often forget that this is temporary and the best is yet to come... Set my heart free God.

On this day
2014  It says I worked out in the yard.  I could look on a million days and find the same post.  What about you?  It's summer, it's what we do - work in the yard, pull weeds, trim bushes etc.  It is what I did last week and this week.  In 40 years in this house or anywhere else in my life I have never got it.  Poison Ivy.  Little bumps came up on my right hand palm, then started to itch and ache.  I went to the clinic yesterday. Hey!  I've never had it and didn't know.  Now I do.  My mother was extremely contagious and I figured I was immune. Now I know.  Three leaves on a vine "leaves of three let it be".  Watch your path!

1741 - Danish navigator Vitus Jonas Bering discovered Alaskahmmm Bering Straits?  I wonder if the climate is right for poison ivy in Alaska?


House of Kamehameha

Kamehameha I conquered the Hawaiian Islands and established a unified monarchy across the archipelago.
During the 1780s and 1790s, chiefs often fought for power. After a series of battles that ended in 1795, all inhabited islands were subjugated under a single ruler, who became known as King Kamehameha the Great. He established the House of Kamehameha, a dynasty that ruled the kingdom until 1872.[65]
After Kamehameha II inherited the throne in 1819, American Protestant missionaries to Hawaii converted many Hawaiians to Christianity. They used their influence to end many traditional practices of the people.[66][67] During the reign of King Kamehameha III, Hawai'i turned into a Christian monarchy with the signing of the 1840 Constitution.[68] Hiram Bingham I, a prominent Protestant missionary, was a trusted adviser to the monarchy during this period. Other missionaries and their descendants became active in commercial and political affairs, leading to conflicts between the monarchy and its restive American subjects.[69] Catholic and Mormon missionaries were also active in the kingdom, but they converted a minority of the Native Hawaiian population.[70][71][72]Missionaries from each major group administered to the leper colony at Kalaupapa on Molokaʻi, which was established in 1866 and operated well into the 20th century. The best known were Father Damien and Mother Marianne Cope, both of whom were canonized in the early 21st century as Roman Catholic saints.
The death of the bachelor King Kamehameha V—who did not name an heir—resulted in the popular election of Lunalilo over Kalākaua. Lunalilo died the next year, also without naming an heir. In 1874, the election was contested within the legislature between Kalākaua and Emma, Queen Consort of Kamehameha IV. After riots broke out, the United States and Britain landed troops on the islands to restore order. King Kalākaua was chosen as monarch by the Legislative Assembly by a vote of 39 to 6 on February 12, 1874.[73]   I somehow don't feel like that picture shows him in his normal apparel.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Rebekah!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

August 19, 2017 Saturday #Startyoung#Praypatiently#readoutdoors#Chineseinvasion

Get Fit
As we age we are faced with different issues, sometimes daily.  I think the healthier you are when you are young the best chance you have of staying healthy.  Although I exercised regularly through my life I also had some bad habits as well, like smoking, drinking and fast food eating.  When you are young you don't worry about it but I think it catches up with you.  I did have lung cancer and I have had 12" of my colon removed due to stress and bad eating habits.  Now I try to stay on target and get bossy to everyone else about the main issue. DRINK A LOT OF WATER!  seriously.

Get Faith
Psalm 40:1 "I waited patiently for the Lord, he turned to me and heard my cry."  I am not a patient person as a rule but I have learned that God does not work on our time schedule.  After all, He is really busy.  If you don't think he hears your prayers or answers, he does, you just need to wait.  The other thing is sometimes the answer is no, or not the answer you want.  He knows you and what you need. Trust Him.

On this day
2012 and 2013  Were a Saturday and Sunday.  Both days were busy with errands and such but both days were beautiful weather and I spent some time outside reading.  It has been a while since I read a book again.  I used to always have a book going - until I started writing.  What is on your agenda today?  Maybe you should find a book you have been wanting to read and go outside!  Last weeks of summer!  Soak it up!

1812 - "Old Ironsides" (the USS Constitution) won a battle against the British frigate Guerriere east of Nova Scotia. I think Waynette and I visited this battleship for short people back in the 70's.

Historical records indicated the earliest Chinese immigrants to Hawaii originated from Guangdong Province; a few sailors arrived in 1778 with Captain Cook's journey and more arrived in 1789 with an American trader, who settled in Hawaii in the late 18th century. It appears that leprosy was introduced by Chinese workers by 1830; as with the other new infectious diseases, it proved damaging to the Hawaiians.[citation needed]
  Thanks to the Chinese!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Barb O 

Friday, August 18, 2017

August 18, 2017 Friday #notgivingup#Heistheway#Cook'sdesease.

Get Fit
Did a few rounds with Jillian this morning.  I guess I have to admit I have gone backward this year in my strength and stamina.  Not giving up though I might have to adjust.  Whatever you are doing keep going!  Don't backslide like I have!

Get Faith
Psalm 27:11  "Teach me your way, O Lord, lead me in a straight path."  You cannot follow something if you don't know what it is about.  I taught Sunday School for 25 years.  It is a joy to teach 3 year olds the Bible stories and do the crafts and activities that sew those stories into their little hearts.  Adult's almost have to have a reason or desire to go into Bible Study and I am glad to say that Bible Study and not "spiritual meetings" are gaining popularity.  There is deep satisfaction to learning the ways of the Lord - let Him into your heart so you can be taught.

On this day
2011  Maybe you have had a similar experience.  I was working at Clancy's for the past 18 years.  The last son he had working for him decided he wanted to get rid of me.  I wasn't the first girl he drove out of there, but it hurt knowing I had gone out of my way to help him overcome some seriously bad personality habits he had.  I had come to his rescue many times and now he was on a witch hunt to get rid of me.  On this day the accountant came in, who I had always liked but now realized he had to find the "reasons" that the son said I was guilty of.  The boss had become convinced he was on to something and so for the next year it was a horrible place to work.  They, to my knowledge never found what they were looking for or I'm sure I would have been confronted with it.  I am not certain to this day why I stuck it out to the last insult.  I'm a demon for punishment.

1227 - The Mongol conqueror Ghengis Khan died. Have to read the book to find out what killed him.

Cook visited the Hawaiian Islands twice. As he prepared for departure after his second visit in 1779, a quarrel ensued as Cook took temple idols and fencing as "firewood",[60] and a minor chief and his men took a ship's boat. Cook abducted the King of Hawaiʻi IslandKalaniʻōpuʻu, and held him for ransom aboard his ship in order to gain return of Cook's boat. This tactic had worked in Tahiti and other islands.[61] Instead, Kalaniʻōpuʻu's supporters fought back, killing Cook and four marines as Cook's party retreated along the beach to their ship. They departed without the ship's boat.
After Cook's visit and the publication of several books relating his voyages, the Hawaiian islands attracted many European visitors: explorers, traders, and eventually whalers, who found the islands to be a convenient harbor and source of supplies. Early British influence can be seen in the design of the flag of Hawaiʻi, which bears the Union Jack in the top-left corner. These visitors introduced diseases to the once-isolated islands, causing the Hawaiian population to drop precipitously.[62] Native Hawaiians had no resistance to Eurasian diseases, such as influenzasmallpox and measles. By 1820, disease, famine and wars between the chiefs killed more than half of the Native Hawaiian population.[63] During the 1850s, measles killed a fifth of Hawaii's people.[64]  Ah, progress!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Thursday, August 17, 2017

August 17, 2017 Thursday #inChrist#Neighbors#Hawaiianexplororers.

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 5:17  "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he (or she) is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come!"  What do you think being in Christ means?  If we know Christ, follow the Gospel stories of his life and know the path that Jesus walked, we understand His life on this earth.  The real story though is in His dying.  The fact that he subjected Himself to the brutality of the beatings and died on the cross is horrific, but that He could have chosen not to is in the real story.  He died for you. The fact that God our Father used Jesus as an offering to erase all of your sins and mine - forever,  so that we can enter heaven and be with Him, that is the real story. The fact that it makes your life on this earth more meaningful is wonderful, but not the real reason.  John 3:16.

On this day
2009  Nicole and I spent some time in the evening with our new neighbor Barb and her old neighbor Keith.  We all have neighbors that have moved out, new moved in.  I actually get upset when good neighbors that I have been close to for many years move out.  I try not to but I feel - abandoned, sad and angry actually.  We always say - "we will keep in touch".  We do but it is not the same as when you were next door or across the street.  Barb's house was built when Nicole was two and the first family was Rose and David who had boys David and Joshua.  We were closer then close, spent all of our time together.  I still talk to Rose but she is up in Lapeer so..... Then Roxanne moved in with her two teenagers Angela and Carman.  We became family.  Angela and Carman moved to California and after a while Roxanne moved to a big beautiful house in Harrison Twp.  Close but not my neighbor anymore.  We do still connect occasionally.   Now, it's Barb and her three boys, David, Dalton and Daniel.  We have gotten involved but not as much as the others.  Nicole did find Barb a job that lasted for about 5 years and this year I hooked her up with my friend for a job.   I do love my neighbors.

1790 - The capital city of the U.S. moved to Philadelphia from New York City. Remember this for Jeopardy.

It is possible that Spanish explorers arrived in the Hawaiian Islands in the 16th century—200 years before Captain James Cook's first documented visit in 1778. Ruy López de Villalobos commanded a fleet of six ships that left Acapulco in 1542 bound for the Philippines with a Spanish sailor named Juan Gaetano aboard as pilot. Depending on the interpretation, Gaetano's reports describe an encounter with either Hawaiʻi or the Marshall Islands.[54][55][better source needed] If de Villalobos' crew spotted Hawaiʻi, Gaetano would be considered the first European to see the islands. Some scholars have dismissed these claims due to a lack of credibility.[56][57]
Spanish archives contain a chart that depicts islands at the same latitude as Hawaiʻi but with a longitude ten degrees east of the islands. In this manuscript, the island of Maui is named La Desgraciada (The Unfortunate Island), and what appears to be Hawaiʻi Island is named La Mesa (The Table). Islands resembling Kahoolawe, Lanai, and Molokai are named Los Monjes (The Monks).[58] For two-and-a-half centuries, Spanish galleons crossed the Pacific from Mexico along a route that passed south of Hawaiʻi on their way to Manila. The exact route was kept secret to protect the Spanish trade monopoly against competing powers.
The 1778 arrival of British explorer James Cook was the first documented contact by a European explorer with Hawaii. Cook named the archipelago as the Sandwich Islands in honor of his sponsor John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich. Cook published the islands' location and rendered the native name as Owyhee. This spelling lives on in Owyhee CountyIdaho. It was named after three native Hawaiian members of a trapping party who went missing in that area. The Owyhee Mountains were also named for them.[59]  Hard to believe three native Hawaiians would come here to explore or trap. ?   Men.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

August 16, 2017 Wednesday #Dance#Loveall#battlewon!#attack!#guessing!

Get Fit
Worked out the legs with dancers workshop.  Trying to stay on target with walking also but I might have scheduled too many jobs for myself today.

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 13:7  " (Love) bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."  And yet is elusive in our world.  I have been loved, I have been in love and I have loved, all different types of "love".  I believe that this verse refers to human love for one another.  In my experience my love for Nicole and Aaron has been the best and least tested.  Nicole, my child, of course is my enduring love that all of the above pertain to.  For those who have had a wonderful, long marriage, as my friends Ty and Norma, celebrating 32 years today can attest to all the above as well. It would be wonderful if the world could celebrate love for all people for even a day, wouldn't it? Can you pray for and love those you dislike?  It is your mission today.

On this day
2008  This was during the time period I was going to Marine City every weekend to care for Bob Fitzpatrick.  He knew he was losing the battle and his kids were pushing to have him put in a nursing home.  He only wanted to stay in his home and die in his own bed.  I was there Friday after work till Sunday afternoon and it was hard on my Mom at my home to not have me there but, she knew how much he wanted to stay there and how important it was for me to help him.  On this day he agreed to go and "look" (he was blind) at a couple of senior facilities.  It had to be a place he could take his dog Chico also.  They were nice and I pointed out the advantages of being with other people for meals and still having his own apartment, and he was agreeable - to a point.  It never happened, he won the battle!  Good for you Fitz!

1812 - Detroit fell to Indian and British troops in the War of 1812. Hey some local history!!  And so we have Indian Village and Algonquin street - etc.


First human settlement – Ancient Hawaiʻi (800–1778)

Based on archaeological evidence, the earliest habitation of the Hawaiian Islands dates to around 300 CE, probably by Polynesian settlers from the Marquesas Islands. A second wave of migration from Raiatea and Bora Bora took place in the 11th century. The date of the human discovery and habitation of the Hawaiian Islands is the subject of academic debate.[52] Some archaeologists and historians think it was a later wave of immigrants from Tahiti around 1000 CE who introduced a new line of high chiefs, the kapu system, the practice of human sacrifice, and the building of heiau.[citation needed] This later immigration is detailed in Hawaiian mythology (moʻolelo) about Paʻao. Other authors say there is no archaeological or linguistic evidence for a later influx of Tahitian settlers and that Paʻao must be regarded as a myth.[citation needed]
The history of the islands is marked by a slow, steady growth in population and the size of the chiefdoms, which grew to encompass whole islands. Local chiefs, called aliʻi, ruled their settlements, and launched wars to extend their influence and defend their communities from predatory rivals. Ancient Hawaii was a caste-based society, much like that of Hindus in India.[53]  The more differences we find the more 
alike to seem to be.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

August 15, 2017 Tuesday #gettingoldnotforthewweak#ichooseJesus#lovefamily#luau!

Get Fit
70 is not the new 50.  Everyday there is a new "thing".  My skin on the underside of my arms just burns, nothing there, no rash or anything it just burns.  Oh well.  Today I did aerobics with Kathy Smith in hopes that the circulating blood will help the above mentioned problem go away.  Id rather take the healthy approach than the medicines they suggested on line.

Get Faith
Ephesians 4:2 - 3  "Be humble and gentle.  Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love.  Try always to be led along together by the Holy spirit and so be at peace with one another."  How does God know just what I need every day?  How does the right Bible verse come up - ALL THE TIME"  when I need it.  The world is a hard place to be.  We are faced with conflict, anger and hatred everyday.  If you get pulled into it you become part of the problem.  I choose peace over conflict, I choose to love my neighbor even if they don't love me, I choose to forgive those I love for whatever problems we have.  I choose Jesus.  Peace.

On this day
2005    When you have a lot of family and friends you have a day like this. "Mom, Nicole and I to church, it was Annaliese' baptism with a party in the church basement afterward.  After church Mom and I picked up Aunt Annie, Kay and Kathy  for a wedding shower for Chad and Stephanie, my cousin Marylou's son."  I love to remember these events and the many times I did spend with people that I loved.  Mom and Aunt Annie are gone, Bruce moved his family, which included Annaliese up to Gaylord.  Chad and Stephanie had 2 little boys 3 or 4 years ago and I am of course still in touch with Kay and Kathy.  Family and friends matter!  Keep in touch.

1848 - The dental chair was patented by M. Waldo Hanchett. They looked a little like an electric chair if I remember right.



Hawaii is one of four U.S. states—apart from the original thirteen, along with the Vermont Republic (1791), the Republic of Texas (1845), and the California Republic (1846)—that were independent nations prior to statehood. Along with Texas, Hawaii had formal, international diplomatic recognition as a nation.[50]
The Kingdom of Hawaiʻi was sovereign from 1810 until 1893 when the monarchy was overthrown by resident American and European capitalists and landholders. Hawaii was an independent republic from 1894 until August 12, 1898, when it officially became a territory of the United States. Hawaii was admitted as a U.S. state on August 21, 1959.[51]  I begin to  realize that things change.  Somethings get better and somethings worse.
You have to decide whether Hawaii was better off the way it was - naturally, or now as a tourism

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kay and Michelle!