Saturday, August 19, 2017

August 19, 2017 Saturday #Startyoung#Praypatiently#readoutdoors#Chineseinvasion

Get Fit
As we age we are faced with different issues, sometimes daily.  I think the healthier you are when you are young the best chance you have of staying healthy.  Although I exercised regularly through my life I also had some bad habits as well, like smoking, drinking and fast food eating.  When you are young you don't worry about it but I think it catches up with you.  I did have lung cancer and I have had 12" of my colon removed due to stress and bad eating habits.  Now I try to stay on target and get bossy to everyone else about the main issue. DRINK A LOT OF WATER!  seriously.

Get Faith
Psalm 40:1 "I waited patiently for the Lord, he turned to me and heard my cry."  I am not a patient person as a rule but I have learned that God does not work on our time schedule.  After all, He is really busy.  If you don't think he hears your prayers or answers, he does, you just need to wait.  The other thing is sometimes the answer is no, or not the answer you want.  He knows you and what you need. Trust Him.

On this day
2012 and 2013  Were a Saturday and Sunday.  Both days were busy with errands and such but both days were beautiful weather and I spent some time outside reading.  It has been a while since I read a book again.  I used to always have a book going - until I started writing.  What is on your agenda today?  Maybe you should find a book you have been wanting to read and go outside!  Last weeks of summer!  Soak it up!

1812 - "Old Ironsides" (the USS Constitution) won a battle against the British frigate Guerriere east of Nova Scotia. I think Waynette and I visited this battleship for short people back in the 70's.

Historical records indicated the earliest Chinese immigrants to Hawaii originated from Guangdong Province; a few sailors arrived in 1778 with Captain Cook's journey and more arrived in 1789 with an American trader, who settled in Hawaii in the late 18th century. It appears that leprosy was introduced by Chinese workers by 1830; as with the other new infectious diseases, it proved damaging to the Hawaiians.[citation needed]
  Thanks to the Chinese!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Barb O 

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