Friday, August 11, 2017

August 11, 2017 Friday#playorwatch#church#Basslake#Hawaiihotspot

Get Fit
Get a kid and go to the park!  Go on the slide, swing on the swings, climb on the monkey bars!!!  If you are my age,  watch with exuberance!!!

Get Faith
2 Timothy 1:12  "For I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day."  I believe that Timothy is referring to St Paul here, first because of the lack of capitals on he and him.  After reading this whole section it seems to be regarding our trust in keeping the faith with one another.  Stay in church with those who celebrate the Lord as you do and pray with your fellow Christians for strength and guidance as a whole.

On this day
2000 - Bruce, Natalie, Heide and I packed up 22 kids and went up to Michiluca for Bass Lake Camp.  It was always an experience and never the same one twice.  Bruce was the epitome of an excellent Christian youth leader.  The kids loved him and he taught them to love camping and Bass Lake.  I was useful mostly as a transporter this year.  It was the only time I enjoyed camping.  Bass Lake.

1860 - The first successful silver mill in America began operations. The mill was in Virginia City, NVNever heard the term "mill" in regards to silver.



Pāhoehoe, or smooth lava, spills into the Pacific Ocean, forming new rock off the coast of the Island of Hawaii.
The Hawaiian islands were formed by volcanic activity initiated at an undersea magma source called the Hawaii hotspot. The process is continuing to build islands; the tectonic plate beneath much of the Pacific Ocean continually moves northwest and the hot spot remains stationary, slowly creating new volcanoes. Because of the hotspot's location, all currently active land volcanoes are located on the southern half of Hawaii Island. The newest volcano, ʻihi Seamount, is located south of the coast of Hawaii Island.
The last volcanic eruption outside Hawaii Island occurred at Haleakalā on Maui before the late 18th century, possibly hundreds of years earlier.[35] In 1790, Kīlauea exploded; it was the deadliest eruption known to have occurred in the modern era in what is now the United States.[36] Up to 5,405 warriors and their families marching on Kīlauea were killed by the eruption.[37] Volcanic activity and subsequent erosion have created impressive geological features. Hawaii Island has the third-highest point among the world's islands.[38]
On the flanks of the volcanoes, slope instability has generated damaging earthquakes and related tsunamis, particularly in 1868 and 1975.[39] Steep cliffs have been created by catastrophic debris avalanches on the submerged flanks of ocean island volcanoes.[40][41]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  Happy Birthday Brett!!

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