Thursday, August 31, 2017

August 31, 2017 Thursday #Getup!#Prayerishuge!#Rocco!#Fresno!

Get Fit
Really tired myself out yesterday but I do want to get something in later.  Do you promise yourself some type of activity in the day?  That is good!  Keep it on your mind and don't settle into that couch. TV watching is not a sport that does you any physical good.

Get Faith
Psalm 33:12  "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."  Wow how much impact does that have? We have read many times how whole cities, countries and nations have been lost because they did not trust in God to keep them blessed.  I'm wondering what countries of this world would be safe today.  I did read about Bhutan, the other day, while China and India had "words" with little Bhutan in the middle - Bhutan prayed.  The entire country went to prayer and the conflict was stilled.  Being a small country surrounded by two, nuclear powered powers can't be easy, but they chose the best way to deal with their situation.  We should take a lesson from them.

On this day
1983  When you work in an office at a small company month end means billing.  I did company billing for two companies for close to 50 years.  Getting those statements out was paramount.  So that was at work.  Then I went out to Macomb County jail to see my probationer, Richard, as he had accomplished exactly what I told him to avoid - spending his 18th birthday in jail.  I probably wasn't the birthday present he expected "told you so".  I also had a guy I worked with - Tom Rocco move into my empty bedroom.  I think he lived with me for two years.  Quiet, nice looking guy that loved his car more than the women he dated.  I worked with him for maybe 15 years.  I wonder where he is now?  Not on facebook, I've checked.

1823 - Ferdinand VII was restored to the throne of Spain when invited French forces entered Cadiz. The event is known as the Battle of Trocadero. Is this the guy Abba sang the song about? 

From East Honolulu to Fresno California
It's a travel day!  Let's go home to the mainland and try a little California based in Fresno.  Enjoy!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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