Wednesday, August 9, 2017

August 9, 2017 Wednesday #Not#Spirit#sink#BBQ#voyage#Hawai'iloa

Get Fit
I'm RUNNING off to work.  See how I did that?

Get Faith
John 14:16-17  "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever - the Spirit of truth."  This is about the third party of the Triune God that we don't speak of as often.  The Spirit.  The Spirit is invited into your soul and heart and mind when you are baptized and stays with you for strength and comfort through this world.  Feel It in your life, let It be with you in prayer and thought.  Let your spirit hold It's hand.

On this day
1998 - This day was a Sunday and after church Nicole and I went to the Blossom Heath beach and watched the cardboard regatta.  Not sure who thought this up - a cardboard boat the disintegrates while you are trying to win a race.  Seems like a battle of futility - but very funny.  After that I had a BBQ at the house and Merri and Lindsey came over.  Love my nieces.  They would have been teenagers but came by to see their cousin Noodle (Nicole).  Family matters.

1790 - The Columbia returned to Boston Harbor after a three-year voyage. It was the first ship to carry the American flag around the world. That's cool!



The state of Hawaii derives its name from the name of its largest island, Hawaiʻi. A common Hawaiian explanation of the name of Hawaiʻi is that was named for Hawaiʻiloa, a legendary figure from Hawaiian myth. He is said to have discovered the islands when they were first settled.[12][13]
The Hawaiian language word Hawaiʻi is very similar to Proto-Polynesian *Sawaiki, with the reconstructed meaning "homeland".[14] Cognates of Hawaiʻi are found in other Polynesian languages, including Māori (Hawaiki), Rarotongan (ʻAvaiki) and Samoan (Savaiʻi) . According to linguists Pukui and Elbert,[15] "[e]lsewhere in Polynesia, Hawaiʻi or a cognate is the name of the underworld or of the ancestral home, but in Hawaii, the name has no meaning".[16]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Jennifer!

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