Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August 30, 2017 Wednesday #walking#allfaithisgood#Dance#tshirttime!

Get Fit
I know that walking will be my exercise of choice today.  My friend is here and we are going to take a walking tour of downtown Detroit, maybe drive through Ferndale and Royal Oak and then the Harper Avenue Classic cruise tonight.  Wearing my fitbit!!

Get Faith
Nahum 1:7  "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.  He cares for those who trust in him."  This is repeated so often in the Bible, you need to take it to heart!  "a refuge in times of trouble".  I had dinner with my friend Linda and her sister yesterday.  Her sister has had times of trouble, many, in her life and was rescued by the Jehovah Witness.  They have given her the strength and faith she needs to navigate her past and future.  In my interest in all people and their beliefs I began to ask her of her faith so I could differentiate their beliefs and the difference.  When I discovered in our conversation what that was - I backed out, I actually think God sealed my lips.  She needs that faith to face health issues and life as she knows it.  This morning the hymn that came up for me to look at was Holy Holy Holy, Lord God Almighty.  It is a song about the Trinity.  The Lord IS good! (If interested I am sure there is a site where you can look into the Jehovah Witness)

On this day
1982  Was a very busy year.  I was involved with boat racing and had a very robust social life.  My friends are very supportive of each other, well mostly the guys were, but I was pretty tight with everyone and on this day they had a huge fundraiser for Danny L.  I can't really remember the reason but what I do remember is that it was at a hall that played great music and one of my favorite two dance partners were there.  Terry Purdy was loved or hated by all.  He was his own man, did things his own way and was a great dancer.  We could clear a floor doing the old Social to Bob Seeger playing "Night Moves".  I hope Danny did well, I believe he did, I know I have never forgotten the night of dancing with Terry.  RIP Terry!

1982 - P.L.O. leader Yasir Arafat left Beirut for Greece. I imagine this was important.  Is the PLO still in existance?

Hawaii  East Honolulu

 Time to get some souvenirs leaving here tomorrow!!

Enjoy the day!   Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sarah!!

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