Monday, August 28, 2017

August 28, 2017 Monday #ampup!#Awesome!#Linda#badpress!

Get Fit
Started my week with AM yoga.  My schedule has been off but I think I have been getting "some" exercise in, walking comes to mind.  Do you find that you are more active in summer?  We are going into the fall which is a perfect time to amp up the workouts!  Cooler weather makes us less lethargic I think, what about you?

Get Faith
Psalm 103 12-13  (is my favorite psalm)  "As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.  As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him."  You gotta love God!  Here he tells you that he has removed your sins as far away from you as he possibly can!  Like a loving parent God warns us of danger in our lives, ie - if you touch that it will burn you!  Fear can be a healthy tool.  Our God is the best example of parenting and love you will ever know!

On this day
1979  I called Linda and we met at Rose Shores to play racquetball.  It was the thing to do in those days.  Afterward we went to Archies for dinner.  Two thoughts, I have no idea where Archies is or was and I guess we weren't probably dieting then.  Linda and I have remained friends even though she moved to Texas in 1982.  As a matter of fact, she is here with me this week visiting - but I'm sure we won't play racquetball.  We have had some exercise though!!  Yay Linda!

1609 - Delaware Bay was discovered by Henry Hudson. Isn't it Hudson Bay?  

(Last week here)   In 1899 Uncle Sam balances his new possessions which are depicted as savage children. The figures are Puerto Rico, Hawaii, CubaPhilippinesand "Lad robes" (the Mariana Islands).This is the type of media I still see prevalent in our country.  Very counter productive.  This is horrible, not funny.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Matthew, bill and Karen!

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