Saturday, August 5, 2017

August 5, 2017 Saturday#walkwithafriend#activitiesexploreweddings!

Get Fit
When I worked Saturday was always my day to take a nice walk first thing in the morning.  I did that today and reminded myself how nice it is to enjoy that quiet fresh morning sunshine.

Get Faith
Proverbs 18:24  There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (or sister).  The study writer talks about running away with her close friends, just for a short time to be revived.  I, too, have those friends that I spend time with at dinner, on events or even the phone for a long time.  I think this verse from Proverbs is speaking of our friendship with God, who is always there for us, unseen but not unfelt.  Putting this song in your head today - What a friend we have in Jesus!

On this day
1992  I was involved in boat racing and church.  There were local races going on and everyday we were on the boat for something,  but this day I was at home and Pastor Reckling, Sue Lucido and Mom came over for an activities meeting.  We were members at St Paul Lutheran at the time.  It was a small tight community of people that had lifted me up to many jobs, including Activity Director.  It was a good job for me whatever I was doing.  Lots of activity right Nicole?

1992 - Federal civil rights charges were filed against four Los Angeles police officers. The officers had been acquitted on California State charges. Two of the officers were convicted and jailed on violation of civil rights charges.  did you think this was something new?  

East Honolulu Hawaii

The People of Hawaii would like to share their islands with you.

The fresh, floral air energizes you. The warm, tranquil waters refresh you. The breathtaking, natural beauty renews you. Look around. There’s no place on earth like Hawaii. Whether you're a new visitor or returning, our six unique islands offer distinct experiences that will entice any traveler. We warmly invite you to explore our islands and discover your ideal travel experience.
Hawaii Discover  Ready?  Let's go!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy wedding day to Sarah and Jamar and to Sean and Celina!  

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