Monday, August 21, 2017

August 21, 2017 Monday #noplanks#worriesandcares#Scotland!#discouraginghistory!

Get Fit
Did a warm up and legs and arms work out with Rita today.  Having poison ivy on your palm limits what you can do - but so far so good!

Get Faith
1 Peter 5:7  "Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you."  I think of the plagues God sent to His people and have to wonder if one of them was poison ivy.  I was given steroid cortisone ointment and I'm still complaining.  Do you wonder why God even created poison ivy?  I have been giving it a lot of thought lately.  How did I escape getting it all these years and now I have it.  I don't think He planned it for me, it is one of the lessons we learn in life "leaves of three, let it be", that we don't pay attention to.  Some lessons are harder to learn with bigger repercussions than this.  He doesn't want me to have poison ivy - what doesn't He want for you that is hurting your life.  Let Him have all your worries and cares.

On this day
2015  Was a wonderful day!  Pam came over and her Nicole and I went to Don's house where DJ picked us all up and took us to the airport.  We checked in and then dined on McDonald's.  Then we finally boarded the plane headed for Scotland!  It is a long flight - we arrived in Amsterdam at midnight but it was already 6am there - we lost the nighttime and sleep but not the excitement for the trip.  Wish we could have spent some time in Amsterdam but they whisked us off by bus to a small plane that took us into Glasgow.  What a great trip!  It was for Nicole's 30th birthday!

1680 - The Pueblo Indians drove the Spanish out and took possession of Santa Fe, NMAre they still there or did we "relocate" them?  I shouldn't read history it is very discouraging and we don't learn.


1887 Constitution and overthrow preparations

In 1887, Kalākaua was forced to sign the 1887 Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii. Drafted by white businessmen and lawyers, the document stripped the king of much of his authority. It established a property qualification for voting that effectively disenfranchised most Hawaiians and immigrant laborers and favored the wealthier, white elite. Resident whites were allowed to vote but resident Asians were not. Because the 1887 Constitution was signed under threat of violence, it is known as the Bayonet Constitution. King Kalākaua, reduced to a figurehead, reigned until his death in 1891. His sister, Queen Liliʻuokalani, succeeded him; she was the last monarch of Hawaiʻi.[74]
In 1893, Queen Liliʻuokalani announced plans for a new constitution. On January 14, 1893, a group of mostly Euro-American business leaders and residents formed the Committee of Safety to stage a coup d'état against the kingdom and seek annexation by the United States. United States Government Minister John L. Stevens, responding to a request from the Committee of Safety, summoned a company of U.S. Marines. According to historian William Russ, these troops effectively rendered the monarchy unable to protect itself.[75]  If not the US then someone else.  But it is progress, right?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Carl!

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