Tuesday, August 8, 2017

August 7, 2017 Monday#slackin#faithnotfear#pastbehavior#islandstate

Get Fit
I am admitting to the fact that I need to change up my exercise routine.  If I have to go to work (like today) I have a hard time getting up earlier to work out.  When I get home I'm too tired.  So.  I need another approach to this, any suggestions?

Get Faith
Isaiah 43:1  "But now the Lord who created you, O Israel, says, Don't be afraid, for I have ransomed you; I have called you by name; your are mine.""  God is speaking to the people of Israel, reminding them that He is still their God, their father.  He did this often for the Israelites because they were often falling from faith.  Faith being that part of you that will never need surgery, it is untouchable, it lives in your  heart, soul, and every breathe you take.  God has made you to be human but keeps that faith alive in you to remind you that you are His.  Don't be afraid.

On this day
1995  Two things on this entry I will never do again.  I went shopping at Winkelman's, which was my favorite place to shop for years.  When I worked on Six Mile in Detroit I would walk to the next block try on some clothes and put them in lay-a-way.  They always had clothes I liked.  When I got home I walked to the next block to meet Nicole walking home from Jamie's.  They lived a block away but I didn't like her walking alone (10 yrs old) still.  Can you say overprotective?  Yep.

1789 - The U.S. War Department was established by the U.S. Congress.  Only took them 13 years to get this set up!

East Honolulu Hawaii
The state encompasses nearly the entire volcanic Hawaiian archipelago, which comprises hundreds of islands spread over 1,500 miles (2,400 km). At the southeastern end of the archipelago, the eight main islands are—in order from northwest to southeast: NiʻihauKauaʻiOʻahuMolokaʻiLānaʻiKahoʻolaweMaui, and the Island of Hawaiʻi. The last is the largest island in the group; it is often called the "Big Island" or "Hawaiʻi Island" to avoid confusion with the state or archipelago. The archipelago is physiographically and ethnologically part of the Polynesian subregion of Oceania. Something to learn about a place I only thought of as a Disney Island paradise.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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