Tuesday, August 1, 2017

August 1, 2017 Tuesday #Weights!#LifttheBible#Frankswieners#Hawaii!

Get Fit
Did a few repetitions of weights this morning and I might do a few more later.  It is good to keep up your strength!

Get Faith
James 1:3-5  "The testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."  James is speaking totally of our faith.  It is what gives us that strength that keeps us kind, loving, happy and joyful in our Lord Jesus Christ. There are no guarantees that we won't have hardships in our life but God can provide us with the courage to face anything that comes up, because we have our faith.  Do a few reps with your Bible today - get strong.

On this day
1986  The day before Ann and Caroline came by to have cake with my mother in law for her birthday.  I don't recall Caroline but, on this day, she came over with Ma and we went to the 10 Mile beach.  Then we stopped at Frank's wiener shop.  I assume I bought some wieners because Ty and Norma came over for dinner.  The guys went to the marina and Norma cut my hair.  We were all about the boats in those days, now I'm only up for a slow cruise, but, I still enjoy the water.  Thanks Norma for all the haircuts, before you got your real job!

1986 - John McEnroe and Tatum O'Neal were married. Anybody care?  Anybody attend?

From the Marshall Islands to East Honolulu

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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