Friday, August 18, 2017

August 18, 2017 Friday #notgivingup#Heistheway#Cook'sdesease.

Get Fit
Did a few rounds with Jillian this morning.  I guess I have to admit I have gone backward this year in my strength and stamina.  Not giving up though I might have to adjust.  Whatever you are doing keep going!  Don't backslide like I have!

Get Faith
Psalm 27:11  "Teach me your way, O Lord, lead me in a straight path."  You cannot follow something if you don't know what it is about.  I taught Sunday School for 25 years.  It is a joy to teach 3 year olds the Bible stories and do the crafts and activities that sew those stories into their little hearts.  Adult's almost have to have a reason or desire to go into Bible Study and I am glad to say that Bible Study and not "spiritual meetings" are gaining popularity.  There is deep satisfaction to learning the ways of the Lord - let Him into your heart so you can be taught.

On this day
2011  Maybe you have had a similar experience.  I was working at Clancy's for the past 18 years.  The last son he had working for him decided he wanted to get rid of me.  I wasn't the first girl he drove out of there, but it hurt knowing I had gone out of my way to help him overcome some seriously bad personality habits he had.  I had come to his rescue many times and now he was on a witch hunt to get rid of me.  On this day the accountant came in, who I had always liked but now realized he had to find the "reasons" that the son said I was guilty of.  The boss had become convinced he was on to something and so for the next year it was a horrible place to work.  They, to my knowledge never found what they were looking for or I'm sure I would have been confronted with it.  I am not certain to this day why I stuck it out to the last insult.  I'm a demon for punishment.

1227 - The Mongol conqueror Ghengis Khan died. Have to read the book to find out what killed him.

Cook visited the Hawaiian Islands twice. As he prepared for departure after his second visit in 1779, a quarrel ensued as Cook took temple idols and fencing as "firewood",[60] and a minor chief and his men took a ship's boat. Cook abducted the King of Hawaiʻi IslandKalaniʻōpuʻu, and held him for ransom aboard his ship in order to gain return of Cook's boat. This tactic had worked in Tahiti and other islands.[61] Instead, Kalaniʻōpuʻu's supporters fought back, killing Cook and four marines as Cook's party retreated along the beach to their ship. They departed without the ship's boat.
After Cook's visit and the publication of several books relating his voyages, the Hawaiian islands attracted many European visitors: explorers, traders, and eventually whalers, who found the islands to be a convenient harbor and source of supplies. Early British influence can be seen in the design of the flag of Hawaiʻi, which bears the Union Jack in the top-left corner. These visitors introduced diseases to the once-isolated islands, causing the Hawaiian population to drop precipitously.[62] Native Hawaiians had no resistance to Eurasian diseases, such as influenzasmallpox and measles. By 1820, disease, famine and wars between the chiefs killed more than half of the Native Hawaiian population.[63] During the 1850s, measles killed a fifth of Hawaii's people.[64]  Ah, progress!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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