Tuesday, August 29, 2017

August 29, 2017 Tuesday #riprichard#ageappropriate#Sylvianomore#welcomeHawaii!

Get Fit
It was a last time and sad day for Richard Simmons Tone and Stretch.  After finishing the warm up, legs and arms workout I reran the tape and when I removed it the tape was hanging out like a main vein of life support that gave up the ghost.  Most of my vcr tapes have died this year.  After 20 years of use - I don't blame them, they have earned their rest.  Now,  I will have to find an exercise on TV at that time of the day!  New experience!

Get Faith
Psalm 71:1-2  In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion.  Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape" incline thine ear unto me, and save me.  If I have read this before it doesn't come to mind.  The first part about "let me never be put to confusion" has greater meaning in my life now.  I have never thought to ask God to intercede on my - taking on too much and trying to do it all, agenda, which leads to confusion.  I think the answer is in the second part about "cause me to escape".  We all need to escape the busyness of life and escape to a quiet, calm place of rest on occasion.  You might want to join me in the prayer to have God "incline thine ear unto me,".  Think about that today. Peace.

On this day
1981  We all make mistakes.  On this day I helped a girl named Sylvia move in with me.  After all of her stuff was in she brings in a lab puppy.  I had a dog - Ziggy and wasn't happy about her not telling me about her dog, but it was cute.  She also moved her boyfriend in.  I liked Frank but soon found out I didn't like Sylvia.  She was a Princess that left messes for me to clean up like, dishes, clothes and puppy poo.  She grew angry that Frank and I would have meaningful conversations when she did not have a clue what we were talking about.  She ate MY food.  Then the extreme.  My dog got sick and on taking it to the vet found out it had Parvo.  Ziggy died in a week and then I found out her dog was the one that brought it into the house.  I asked her to move.  I have had many people live with me, that is why my house was called the Lodge - that was the worse one.  Live and learn.

1828 - A patent was issued to Robert Turner for the self-regulating wagon brake. Did this become obsolete in 100 years when the cars came along or did they find it useful in cars?

Hawaii - East Honolulu

Political changes of 1954 – the State of Hawaii (1959–present)

Three young women pack pineapples into cans in 1928.
Prior to the postwar labor movement, Hawaii was governed by plantation owners. Here, three young women pack pineapples into cans in 1928.
In the 1950s, the power of the plantation owners was broken by the descendants of immigrant laborers, who were born in Hawaii and were U.S. citizens. They voted against the Hawaii Republican Party, strongly supported by plantation owners. The new majority voted for the Democratic Party of Hawaii, which dominated territorial and state politics for more than 40 years. Eager to gain full representation in Congress and the Electoral College, residents actively campaigned for statehood. In Washington there was talk that Hawaii would be a Republican Party stronghold so it was matched with the admission of Alaska, seen as a Democratic Party stronghold. These predictions turned out to be inaccurate; today, Hawaii votes Democratic predominately, and Alaska votes Republican.[88][89][90][91]
In March 1959, Congress passed the Hawaii Admission Act, which U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed into law.[92] The act excluded Palmyra Atoll from statehood; it had been part of the Kingdom and Territory of Hawaii. On June 27, 1959, a referendum asked residents of Hawaii to vote on the statehood bill; 94.3% voted in favor of statehood and 5.7% opposed it.[93] The referendum asked voters to choose between accepting the Act and remaining a U.S. territory. The United Nations' Special Committee on Decolonization later removed Hawaii from its list of non-self-governing territories.
After attaining statehood, Hawaii quickly modernized through construction and a rapidly growing tourism economy. Later, state programs promoted Hawaiian culture.[which?] The Hawaii State Constitutional Convention of 1978 created institutions such as the Office of Hawaiian Affairs to promote indigenous language and culture.[citation needed]  Progress! 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Ken!

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