Tuesday, August 22, 2017

August 22, 2017 Tuesday #dosomething!#claytochina#elbowandtow#sosorry!

Get Fit
Pilates with the ring.  Works out the legs, arms and abs with a resistant band.  Not real strenuous but a good toner.  Keeping your legs strong assures you can do the walk later.

Get Faith
Jeremiah 18:6  "Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand."  In Genesis we read we are formed from clay which is moldable, to be shaped by genetics, environment and choice.  If we are smart we allow God to shape us into the best we can be.  We also have that free will that God gives us - like a catch 22.  If you pay attention to God's word and follow His advice I am sure you will make the best choices for your life to shape into.  When we are done with this life the pottery is cast off.  Your  soul, what you have stored in your heart is what God will look at then.  He is loving and kind and offers the best opportunity for you to be a fine piece of China in his cabinet.

On this day
1976 - Oh to be young!  Pete and I went to the marina. (We were driving around in my Austin Healy with the top down those days)  We went to Patchetts house out in Algonac for a party, then all the way to Trenton for another party at Art and Judy's.  These were two separate groups of friends.  What it says though is that while driving and I had my arm on the window, a rock hit my elbow.  It hurt real bad.  Now,  how many of you have driven with your arm resting on the open window?  Has anyone else ever caught a rock in the elbow?  I took a stone to the toe wearing sandals once on a motorcycle also.  How random was that?  Two things I never did again.  This has been a public service announcement.  You are welcome!

1902 - In Hartford, CTU.S. President Theodore Roosevelt became the first president of the United States to ride in an automobile. I hope he didn't have his elbow out the window.


Overthrow of 1893 – the Republic of Hawaii (1894–1898)

Queen Liliʻuokalani, seated inside ʻIolani Palace.
Queen Liliʻuokalani, the last reigning monarch of the Hawaiian Kingdom.
The ʻIolani Palace in Honolulu, formerly the residence of the Hawaiian monarch, was the capitol of the Republic of Hawaii.
In January 1893, Queen Liliʻuokalani was overthrown and replaced by a provisional government composed of members of the American Committee of Safety. American lawyer Sanford B. Dole became President of the Republic when the Provisional Government of Hawaii ended on July 4, 1894. Controversy ensued in the following years as the Queen tried to regain her throne. The administration of President Grover Clevelandcommissioned the Blount Report, which concluded that the removal of Liliʻuokalani had been illegal. The U.S. government first demanded that Queen Liliʻuokalani be reinstated, but the Provisional Government refused.
Congress conducted an independent investigation, and on February 26, 1894, submitted the Morgan Report, which found all parties, including Minister Stevens—with the exception of the Queen—"not guilty" and not responsible for the coup.[76] Partisans on both sides of the debate questioned the accuracy and impartiality of both the Blount and Morgan reports over the events of 1893.[75][77][78][79]
In 1993, the US Congress passed a joint Apology Resolution regarding the overthrow; it was signed by President Bill Clinton. The resolution apologized for the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom and acknowledged that the United States had annexed Hawaii unlawfully.[79]  If you have been following this with me I hope you are as appalled by our behavior 
as I am, right down to the apology - too little too late.  Did you get the name Dole while reading 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Elizabeth (1) Lauren, Carmen, Linda 
Ken and Kevin!  Wow!

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