Sunday, August 13, 2017

August 13, 2017 Sunday #FontainofSalvation#carfail#royal#artificialinsemination

Get Faith
Isaiah 12:3  "Oh, the joy of drinking deeply from the Fountain of Salvation!"  Note the capitalization of Fountain of Salvation, Isaiah is prophesying about Jesus in the old testament.  We also refer to Jesus as the Water of Life, don't we?  We know that this water gives us life here and in the world to come.  I am thinking that meditation next to a fountain or waterfall would be perfect right now.  Thank God for the calm that drinking deeply of the water of Christ brings to us in His word the Bible.  The study writer said "The next time you feel drained, remember to prime your pump with prayer."  Nice.

On this day
2001   We drove home from Bass Lake and dropped the kids off at church.  Nicole and I stopped at Pizza Hut and grabbed some dinner before heading out to Russ Milne's to drop off the van he loaned us for our weekend. (He is such a great guy!) When we got our stuff out of the van and in my car in the parking lot it wouldn't start.  Mom had to come  out and get us.  (She was such a great mom!).

1792 - French revolutionaries took the entire French royal family and imprisoned them. Sometime it isn't good to be a royal.


Flora and fauna

Corvus hawaiiensis, the endemic Hawaiian crow(ʻalalā), is extinct in the wild.
Because the islands of Hawaii are distant from other land habitats, life is thought to have arrived there by wind, waves (i.e. by ocean currents) and wings (i.e. birds, insects, and any seeds they may have carried on their feathers). This isolation, in combination with the diverse environment (including extreme altitudes, tropical climates, and arid shorelines), produced an array of endemic flora and fauna. Hawaii has more endangered species and has lost a higher percentage of its endemic species than any other U.S. state.[42] One endemic plant, Brighamia, now requires hand-pollination because its natural pollinator is presumed to be extinct.[43] The two species of BrighamiaB. rockii and B. insignis—are represented in the wild by around 120 individual plants. To ensure these plants set seed, biologists rappel down 3,000-foot (910 m) cliffs to brush pollen onto their stigmas.[44]
The extant main islands of the archipelago have been above the surface of the ocean for fewer than 10 million years; a fraction of the time biological colonization and evolution have occurred there. The islands are well known for the environmental diversity that occurs on high mountains within a trade winds field. On a single island, the climate around the coasts can range from dry tropical (less than 20 inches or 510 millimeters annual rainfall) to wet tropical; on the slopes, environments range from tropical rainforest (more than 200 inches or 5,100 millimeters per year), through a temperate climate, to alpine conditions with a cold, dry climate. The rainy climate impacts soil development, which largely determines ground permeability, affecting the distribution of streams and wetlands.[citation needed]  This is good info about the plant life and natural causes that we have
imitated to continue some forms of growth.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Nathaniel!

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