Sunday, August 6, 2017

August 6, 2017 Sunday#paidtheprice#Getajob!#Islandstate!

Get Faith
1 Corinthians 6:20  "For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."  I know how hard it is for a non believer to understand how precious our Savior is and the realization  that He is God, come to earth, lived simply, spoke the truth, and loved so much and then was horribly abused and murdered, suffered death on the cross -  to save you from your sins.  All you have to do is Believe!  And, I know how hard it is to accept that God would do this for YOU, because He loves you that much!  I hope the Holy Spirit can fill you with the hope and faith that you need to understand this basic Gospel truth.  He paid the price for your sins.

On this day
1993  This was a transitional year.  My husband and I were splitting up and my life of being home with the kids was over.  I had to find a job after being out of the workplace for 8 years.  The company I worked for was fading out of business and I needed something that payed better to take care of my daughter now.  Friends are wonderful.  On this day, Roxanne insisted I borrow her car and go to her friend for a haircut to look good for my upcoming job search.  The family was rallying around me because they knew how upsetting it is to a family with kids to go through a divorce.  Memories like this remind me of what great support my friends and family are.  There was also a boat race going on out of Metro Beach - lots of memories there, good and bad.

1993 - The U.S. Senate confirmed Louis Freeh to be the director of the FBI. 

1993 - Morihiro Hosokawa was elected prime minister of Japan.   I"m pretty sure these two things had nothing in common.

East Honolulu Hawaii

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