Thursday, May 31, 2018

May 31, 2018 Thursday#Hehears#cardio#family#Thessaloniki Greece!!

Get Faith
Psalm 10:17  "You hear, O Lord, the desire of the afflicted, you encourage them, and you listen to their cry."  We go through different times in life.  Some are times of work, some are times of play,  some are family and child raising and some are starting over times.  I pray every morning and lately it has been to lead me in another new direction that will give me energy and joy.  Are you in an in between time?  Wondering if the rest of your life will be boring or empty?   God tells us to bring it to Him and He will hear and listen to our prayers.  Have faith.

Get Fit
Watching TV this morning and they were talking about Alzheimer's disease and how to combat it.  The most required thing to keep it away is exercise.  They mentioned at least 3 hours of hard exercise with 2/3 of it being cardio and 1/3 strength training a week.  Keep that in mind.

On this day
1981  I am very much a family person.  On this day I stopped at Andy's house, he, Adele and the girls had gone up north to their cabin in Roscommon and I checked the house for them.  Afterward, I picked up my brother Mark in Royal Oak to spend the evening and have dinner.  He was found in violation of his probation and had to report to jail the next day for a 60 day stay.  It broke my heart, but he broke the law, so.  Vic is mentioned calling on this day, and a few weeks before and after.  I have no recollection of him, but, I helped him pack and move.  It might have been one of the kids I had as a probation office volunteer or one in a million random friends I met in life. 

1433 - Sigismund was crowned emperor of Rome. 
Segismundo de Luxemburgo - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libreHow about that hat!!

Moving from Sofia to Thessaloniki Greece
Looks like a nice drive south.  It says it is a 3 1/2 hour trip!  Should be some good sights a long the way! 
 After my terrible experience transiting from Podgorica, Montenegro to Skopje, Macedonia, I finally arrived in Sofia, Bulgaria. Here, I will be meeting up with Karen who will be joining me for 10 days during the last 30 days travelling around the world. Sofia, Bulgaria was the cheapest flight that’s closest to Greece so she decided to fly there from Vancouver, Canada. Once she arrives, we will be going to Thessaloniki, Greece where we would start this part of the trip.  Found this travel log while searching for info on this trip.  He tells a good story about it.  
The hostel I stayed at was brand new and just opened. I quickly became friends with the owner as he gave me a tour of the city (Awesome guy!).
The next day, I picked up Karen from the airport and we stayed one more night in Sofia. As you can tell so far in this story, there’s really not much going on in Sofia. In the future, I would definitely return to visit the hostel owner again and to take a tour to see the Rila Monastery.

Taking the train from Sofia, Bulgaria to Thessaloniki, Greece

This is where the adventure finally starts. Karen and myself get tickets on the train going from Sofia to Thessaloniki.
Upon boarding the train, the first impression is that it was a really beat up train. Like, seriously beaten up. I felt like we were riding a wooden roller coaster instead of taking public transportation.
 ThessalonikiKaren enjoyed it; though, because it felt like an arcade game sitting on this really beat up train.
Along the way, the first bad thing happens to me…I got locked in the washroom.
At first, I was wondering why the washroom was left open before I used it. I go inside and shut the door. When I was ready to go out, that’s when it happened… I couldn’t open the door…
I didn’t want to panic. So, I carefully looked at the door and see if I need to unlock anything. Nope, there’s no lock in sight. What the hell! Am I trapped? I started aggressively opening the door but it won’t budge.
I then assumed, for the door to open, someone from the outside has to open it for me. Quickly, I began banging on the door really hard and screaming hoping someone would hear me. No one. Shit…what do I do now?
I paused for a second as I look at the door knob carefully. Then, I started moving the doorknob from different directions to see if I can pull it out. That’s when it suddenly unlocked!
I was definitely freaked out by the whole experience. Especially because I didn’t have a SIM card and I couldn’t have called anyone for help.
The next time I used the toilet, I made sure to leave the door open.  Lol  poor guy!  great story!
Thessaloniki        When we finally reached Thessaloniki, Karen and myself were really excited. Finally, we were in a major city in Greece!
As we walk towards our hotel, we were quite cheerful despite being tired. Thessaloniki seems like a nice city and we were looking forward to exploring the next day.

Exploring Thessaloniki  

I might just follow this pair and see where they go!!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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