Sunday, July 1, 2018

July 1, 2018 Sunday #Love#Move#dinnerwithfriends#Vespasian#UdonThani!

Get Faith
John 13:34  "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another."  We know the 10 Commandments, but this is the greatest of all commandments that Jesus gave us.  Love one another.  It should cover all the 10 if you think about it.  If you love people you are certainly not going to bring harm to them, no theft or lying or hurting your neighbor in any way.  Love God and Love one another.

Get Fit
Leading an active and healthy lifestyle is very beneficial for your physical health, but it is also great for your mental health as well. Exercise has been shown to be beneficial psychologically speaking assisting with depression and other conditions.  I think we all know this is truth.  If you sit for any long period of time, you lose your energy to move, you sink into wondering if you will ever get out of that chair and move again.  It is a big problem with those who have had a health issue and are trying to make a comeback.  Keep trying to get out of that chair and move - baby steps, and get back to full active life style ASAP.

On this day
1983  It was a Friday and my friends seldom let a weekend go by without a lot of activity.  On this day after work, Andy and Alice, Julie and I went to Tony and Teresa's for dinner.  Tony was Cuban and a really good cook.  I think they had just moved into a tri level house, but I sure can't remember where it was.  Anybody? 

0096 - Vespasian, a Roman Army leader, was hailed as a Roman Emperor by the Egyptian legions. Here is something else I forgot or never knew, anybody heard of this guy - so much great extended reading from these facts.

Udon Thani Thailand
0096 - Vespasian, a Roman Army leader, was hailed as a Roman Emperor by the Egyptian legions. 

Udon Thani  I think  this place is beautiful!  Let's look.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Lela and Linda!

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