Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31, 2014 Friday!

not today.

Genesis chapter 3 - This is the story of the serpent telling Eve she could eat of the tree in the Garden of Eden and would become smart like God, and of  course she shared that with Adam.  This story has a lot to talk about, but I suggest - it wasn't a serpent.  Pretty sure it was a cat.  Think abut it they lure you into thinking they are so cuddly and cute and then POW they lunge at you.  Well our cat does.  You have to love any story from Genesis, and most people know those Bible stories better then any.

1980 - On this day - the opening statement was "the cat came home".  Now that was a nice cat and I looked all over and called for it.  I also had a dog, Ziggy, who really missed his cat.  This is not a good time for any animal to be out, especially this year.  The cat and dog were inseparable, I took them in the car with me and out on the boat.  Be sure to bring your animals in during this cold weather!  I was so happy to find that cat or be found by the cat.

Parenting - Prior to having children, and well most of my life I have had pets of one kind or another, not always of my choosing, but I told you about the gerbils.  Dogs and cats are just like children to some of us, they are part of the family,  loving and entertaining.  They also need disciplining and as with our children, we pay the price if they aren't.  Still talking about that cat.

Book club - My Antonia - There is a very descriptive telling of the lead charactors going to a play.  Good writing, I felt like I was there. 

Vancouver - last day and we move on tomorrow to Wyoming!  Jackson Hole, get your cowboy on!

Fadin' by 9 - A Special Evening at Magenta Theater

Calendar Date:
Saturday, February 1, 2014 - 7:30pm

Fadin' by 9
Please join local Vancouver band Fadin' by 9 for a special evening of "bluegrassified" rock, folk, and bluegrass at the Magenta Theater as they showcase songs from their new CD,"Gone." Featuring vocal harmonies, burning banjo, suave six-string, profound fiddle, and beat-booming bass.
Tickets are $10 in advance or at the door. Buy tickets now. 
Doors open at 7 p.m. Show starts at 7:30 p.m. 
If you decide to spend an extra day in Vancouver, or miss your plane, you could see this.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

January 30, 2014 Thursday

Spent the night at the hospital with Mom, coming down with a head cold.  Let's see, I guess that's all the excuses I have right now for not exercising.  Mom's on the 6th floor, maybe I'll take the stairs. :)

Psalm 116 - We occasionaly use this in worship at church "I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.  I will fulfill my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people".  King David never met his offspring, Jesus on this earth.  I wonder what he thought of his humility and righteousness.  Sounds like a great topic for Bible study, eh?  The psalms are always a great source of comfort, for any occasion.  Better take my Bible to the hospital so I can share the reading with her.

1976 - On this day, it says in the trusty journal, that Jim (the boss) Chris and I went to the Scotch for lunch.  Must have been to celebrate Chris's birthday.  We occasionaly would go out to eat together, but not at lunch, I wonder who was watching the shop?  We worked together for 20+ years, which covered a lot of life events for all 3 of us, we could talk anyone under the table.  Does anyone remember the Scotch and Sirloin restaurant at 8 and Greenfield?  It was a great place and attracted a lot of high rollers.  If I remember correctly it was a hangout for a lot of TV celebrities of that time.   My friend Waynette worked there for years.  Those work lunches used to be pretty interesting, how about yours? 

Parenting - It does go around.  Mom always told me that they wouldn't let anyone stay at the hospital with a patient if it wasn't visiting hours.  When I was a child in the hospital, I remember her dropping me off and checking me out, but not staying with me. things have changed.  I have never been told to leave when Mom is there.  Finishing this up and going back to see what they have found out about her. 

Book club - "My Antonia"  reading last night about a picnic and swim in the warm sun.  Now that was a great thought to fall asleep on.

Vancouver -  Just a little more:
A group of friends walking on a bridge (Patrice Halley photo)
A group of friends walking on a bridge (Patrice Halley photo)

Attractions in Victoria are educational, beautiful and inspiring.
Known as “The Garden City” due to the abundance of gardens and city parks, Victoria also has an impressive selection of historic sites and heritage architecture. See floral displays year-round or wander through a castle.
Museums in Victoria cover everything from Aboriginal culture to science and nature. This is also the home of the Royal BC Museum and the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia.
Take a Victoria whale-watching tour to enjoy the natural surroundings and to look for Orcas, sea lions and more.
Go finish up your sight seeing, we leave here tomorrow!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 29, 2014

Pilates to lose weight.  This CD has 3 levels of participation so that if you are starting out you can take an easier route and still feel accomplished.  Do what you can and build up to the next level.

Philippians chapter 1 - Paul is in chains.  Some of the early Christians did their best work while in dire circumstances.  I will let you figure that out yourselves.  St Paul was certainly selfless and undaunted when it came to preaching the Gospel.  Christ's story is the good news and the best thing you can hear when you find yourself in dire circumstances.  Share the word with someone who needs it, even if you are in chains and give the glory to God.

1967 - On this day, I did something I never do anymore.  Iron.  It used to be that you had to put time aside to iron.  The fabrics in those days required it.  We had the pop bottle with holes in the cap to sprinkle, the iron did not have a steam or spray setting.  It had some advantages.  You were standing, rather then laying on the couch watching TV.  And, I loved the smell of a clean blouse or shirt coming up in your face, I can still smell it.  Occasionaly something needs ironing these days, but, I'm not even good at it anymore. 

Parenting - We are in the middle of a record cold snap.  Kids have been home from school more then they have  been there it seems.  I'm sure the parents are feeling that way.  With at home parents, you have the problem of keeping them busy, or letting them watch TV or use electronics all day.  The difficult situations, though, are the parents who work and their places are not cancelled for snow days.  Lucky, if you have family or friends to step in for you, if not, you are left with choices.  Are they old enough to stay home alone?  (Sometimes 21 is still too young)  I know a lot of people that make that decision.  I believe the law says 12 is the legal age to leave a child home alone.  Anyone know?

Book club - "My Antonia"  I'm finding that social distinction was prevalent even in the old west or rural areas.  People that lived on farms were looked down on by people who lived in the towns.  We sure now how to find our differences don't we?  Too bad we don't spend more time on the similarities. 

Vancouver -  Just a couple more days, pick up those souvenirs now!

5 Best Places to Try Poutine for the First Time in Vancouver

best poutine in Vancouver 2014
Are you drooling yet?
Image courtesy of James Cridland |
Trying poutine in Vancouver is like having croissants in France, sushi in Japan, and bagels in New York. It’s a must do if you’ve never tried it. It’s the quintessential dish of Canada, and while it may have originated in Quebec, Vancouverites sure do know how to pack a plate full of delicious, steaming hot fries smothered in gravy and squeaky cheese curds.
If you’re new to Canada, or just have never had a chance to try poutine, it’s time to take a trip to flavour-town and experience the taste sensation that some of the best poutine in Vancouver has to offer.

While many restaurants and bars feature poutine on their menu (even McDonald’s introduced it in the last few months), there’s something to be said for visiting a restaurant that specializes in the ultimate Canadian comfort food. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28, 2014 Tuesday Is it spring yet?

Started out with yoga, that is on the am cd, which is very relaxing. (without the cat)  I did the pm section for the first time.  Have to work at this, my backward stretches aren't what they used to be, but I tried what I could.  Test yourself a little!

Ephesians Chapter 5 - 15-21  God's will.  But He (I believe) gives us free will.  Make every opportunity to follow his will, he won't make you, but He wants you to.  When we make bad choices for ourselves, which is against His will, we are the ones that suffer the consequences. "Do not get drunk on wine".  Sometime His will is hard to follow, isn't it?  So, He sent Jesus.

1996 - On this day, Mom Nicole and I were trying new churches.  It happens occasionally, that a church doesn't fit anymore, so we looked for a better fit, for our family.  Today was the first time we went to First English.  One of Nicole's friends from school went there and a family from our last church had moved there and said they liked it.  We switched our membership.  We didn't switch faith, just where we practiced, sometime you need to do that.

Parenting - My daughters faith is very important to me.  I can honestly say that it is a top priority with me.  Recently, we have been attending another church because she does not feel accepted at our old church anymore, because she is gay. There are other churches that she feels accepted at, so we simply attend there. Our faith has not changed.

Book club - My Antonia,  mentions that in the rural small town where this is staged, a mishappen black man that is blind, is brought to town to play piano.  The children are fascinated by: his looks, his music and the fun they have dancing to it.  I wish I could hear him, sure I would love it.

Vancouver - What a beautiful city, here is some info to look into traveling there and a birds eye view of the city:
Book your Auto Show package now
  • hp-cliffwalk

    Season Special: Save 10%-20% on Vancouver's Attractions!

    Make a hotel reservation, and receive 10% off your choice of 10 signature attractions, 15% off if you choose two attraction, and 20% for three. The more you book the more you save!
    > Build your package now
  • Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Monday, January 27, 2014

    January 27, 2014 Monday

    After an all nighter waiting for my daughter to get in from Utah, I'm having a hard time walking let alone exercising, maybe after a nap, or later that bicycle thing. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Hebrews chapter 12 - Jesus is the perfecter of our faith.  We can never live up to the standard he set, he knows that, but an example should be the purest form to follow don't you think?  The study writer shared an interesting point.  The southern cross, the stars in the sky, have guided many mariners on their paths, as does Christ's cross to our path.  Really, He gives us so many opportunities to follow him.

    1992 - I was still working for Quality Picture Frame a couple days a week, to cover our family health insurance.  It is something you had to do then to have health insurance, not sure how well this new plan will work, time will tell.  Later that day after making dinner, I picked up Lynn for a Sunday School teachers meeting at church.  I was the Education Director at St Paul's then.  Lynn was a multi talented and wonderful person.  Her class was upper elementary, maybe 4th and 5th grade, it was always well attended, the kids loved her.  She came up with the greatest learning techniques!

    Parenting - Have you all had that "please God, just let her get home safely" night?  The plane was delayed coming out of Detroit to Utah and consequently the flight back to Detroit was delayed - 4 hours. (They only have one plane that does that route, I guess)  Her flight was supposed to get in at 9 PM and didn't arrive until 1:15.  Then there was snow, 3" that came down between midnight and 3 AM., with freezing cold temperatures,   I caved and had her take a cab home.  It was after 3 when she got home.  She had a little nap on the plane, I spent the night wide awake, fighting off the cat that didn't understand why I was still up till that hour, unless it was to play with him.

    Book club -  Going to add something here, I do read a lot, and recently joined a book club.  If your read, let me know some of your favorites and I will share here our pick of the month.  Currently we are reading "My Antonia" by Willa Cather, it is a classic about early settlers, some immigrants, that went out to Nebraska to make a life.  It paints a great picture of those times.

    Vancouver - Just a few more days here - I like this write up:
    > More
  • Gay-friendly Vancouver

    Gay-friendly Vancouver

    Vancouver is welcoming to all people. Discover gay-friendly accommodation listings, information on LGBT events and neighbourhoods, and get a taste of just how full of pride Vancouver can be.

  • Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Sunday, January 26, 2014

    January 26, 2014 Sunday A day of rest

    It might be a day of rest, but I probably will have to shovel a little snow.  It's light and maybe a little cold but the fresh air will soothe my cabin fever.

    Psalm 40 - 1-3, about being patient.  This has been my resolution for the last two years.  I have a problem with it.  Here it talks about King David being patient with God, waiting for an answer to prayers.  That is a different perspective.  I can't imagine telling God to hurry up, after all He has eternity, OH, so do we. 

    1991 - On this day - the kids ice skated all day.  The fire dept used to fill a couple of indents in the playground at the school behind us.  Nicole would have only been 6 but still would play hockey with all the boys.  While they were skating Mark and I bought Aaron another bike for his birthday, a mountain bike, he had outgrown his old one. 

    Parenting - I was fortunate that my kids were always busy.  Sure, they had the electronic games of the times and loved to watch movies, but most of the time they were active.  Times change, but I hope parents see the benefit to the long range health of their children in not being too inactive.  It doesn't hurt to join them in a game of basketball, etc.  Do yourself some good!  How about a spin at the roller rink, if you don't ice skate?

    Vancouver - The travel group that we have been doing for 5 years now met  last night.  We have such a great time together, and bring such wonderful dishes to share.  Not sure the chili, shepherds pie or stuffed potato skins were Vancouver recipes, but the salmon must have been.  Of course there was Canadian beer.  As far as studying our location, maybe not as much as I do, and I try to fill them in,  but we are a VERY social group.  I would encourage anyone to use this world city basis for get togethers. > More
  • vancouver_photo

    Photos & Videos

    A browse through the Tourism Vancouver photo and video gallery will introduce you to this city like nothing else can - because you really can't get an idea of the scope of Stanley Park, the beauty of the skyline and mountains, or the enthusiasm of the locals via text. A picture really is a worth a thousand words

  • Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Saturday, January 25, 2014

    Janyuary 25, 2014 Saturday Is this month over yet?

    Love the AM Yoga, so relaxing.  I put the electric fireplace on so its nice and warm on the floor, get a nice soft blanket and the strap for leg stretches, a glass of water and begin.  So relaxing.  CAT ATTACK!

    Matthew chapter 24 - Jesus tells us "no one knows".  I don't worry about the end.  The world ends for many people everyday.  The study writer mentioned how Pompeii started out as a normal, business as usual day and wiped out the entire city.  They talk about being prepared... spiritually, because if it is the end of the world, don't spend time on your DNR.  Get your God on.

    1989 - On this day, had to take baby gerbils to Macomb pet store.  I really didn't want gerbils, they are mice of a sort and these were white and contrary to public opinion, they were NOT the same sex.  Every 6 weeks there were babies, little eraser looking things that of course were cute when they got fluffy white hair and were still the size of an eraser.  My last comment to the counter person at the pet store was always "don't feed them to the snakes".  Oh, and this was also Tatjiana's name day.  It was a bigger deal to them then their birthday.  I wonder if they celebrate it in heaven.

    Parenting-  Anyone that has children has had pets.  Unless you escaped by having allergies, then it was probably a goldfish.  Lucky you.  We had cats, dogs, birds, fish and gerbils.  Aaron brought them home, no one else would take them, and they were both girls.  We got one of those massive plastic gerbilscape things with tubes, slides wheels, etc.  It was noisy, especially when our gay gerbils got pregnant, I assume they both did by the number of baby gerbils we had.  One finally killed the other.

    Vancouver - It is a beautiful city.

    About Vancouver

    Vancouver's Skyline
    With its scenic views, mild climate, and friendly people, Vancouver is known around the world as one of the best places to live and is a popular tourist attraction. Vancouver is also one of the most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities in Canada with 52% of the population speaking a first language other than English.   
    Vancouver has been host to many international conferences and events, including the 2010 Winter Olympics and 2010 Winter Paralympics

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Name Day Tatjiana  RIP

    Friday, January 24, 2014

    January 24, 2014 Friday

    C'mon keep moving!  I know its cold, just find a little something to do.  I was pretty empowered today.  Denise and I did a weight lifting set and I have moved up to working with 5 lb weights, which really makes a difference to me.  As kids, we are constant motion, and we got out of bed like a shot.  I think it is all about moving.  You won't regret it AND drink water!

    Romans chapter 10 - Great verses here - " Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." and "how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"  Spread the word of God so everyone knows who to call on and remember to thank the messenger.

    1980 - On this day, Andy brought furniture over because I was babysitting the girls for the weekend.  They went up to their cabin in St Helen, probably for snowmobiling.  Merri and Lindsey would have been 3 and 1, I guess.  I wouldn't have remembered this weekend if I hadn't noted it in my journal.  Must have been a pleasant time, no calls for help, or hospital visits occurred.  I was probably in my glory, Merri loved to be read to.

    Parenting - I love to read to children.  Nicole's childhood books sit on my bookshelf, waiting to be read another 100 times.  My favorites were Beatrice Potter's animal stories and any/all of the Dr Seuss books.  Nicole liked the Berenstein Bear books, but I donated the whole set to the elementary school.  Such good stories that kids could relate to.  And of course the Bible stories.  Promised myself I would get involved in a reading program this year.

    Vancouver -  little more current news.  We are all in the same boat with budgets and politics I think.
    VICTORIA — British Columbia Premier Christy Clark repeated her promise of a balanced budget Wednesday, less than a month before her government tables a fiscal plan that is expected to have a thin surplus.
    The Liberal premier staked her re-election last year in part on keeping the province's books balanced, and she told a business audience in Prince George she and her finance minister will keep that promise.
    "We have balanced our budget, and in February, Mike de Jong, our finance minister, is going to introduced the second-consecutive balanced budget here in British Columbia," Clark said during a speech to the Premier's B.C. Natural Resource Forum.
    The Liberal government is scheduled to table its provincial budget on Feb. 18.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Thursday, January 23, 2014

    January 23, 2014 Thursday

    Kathy Smith Fat Burning Workout - its so cold that even the name Burning sounds good today.  It does stir up the internal heat to get you going.

    1 Peter chapter 5  To the Elders and the Flock  vs 7 "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. "  It is hard to give it up, we think we can handle it all ourselves, or that we have to. 

    1978 - On this day, Pete and I played pool in a mixed league at Big Bills Saloon.  It was on a week night so it wasn't too rowdy, just good socializing and fun.  I always played pool, and wasn't too bad at it.  We had a pool table in the basement when I was a kid, so I had some practice.  I would say it was more luck then skill though.  My cousin Don liked to remind me how he would take me to the pool hall in New Baltimore when we were teenagers to watch me clean up on the locals.  I believe that was what they call a legend.... more story that got better every telling.  What are you good at?

    Parenting - Mom was talking about when we lived out on Maceday Lake, when I was a kid.  She said that Dad had an ice shanty on the lake that the wind blew way over to the other side.  There were some wealthy people on the other side of the lake and when they saw Dad trying to push his shanty back home they sent their black housemaid out to help him.  I was horrified at the story.  Mom just thought it was an amusing story.  The difference between generations.

    Vancouver - news item;
    Only Hong Kong tops Vancouver as least affordable city
    First the bad news — if the average Vancouverite could duck all income taxes and live entirely expense-free it would still take 10 years to bank enough money to buy outright a home in the city. Now the “good” news — it’s even worse in Hong Kong.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Wednesday, January 22, 2014

    January 22, 2014

    Did not exercise today.  Woke up in the middle of night to a loud bang, like a roof caving in. (that's what I thought)  Could not get back to sleep.  The health "officials" are reminding us more of how important sleep is.  Make sure you get at least 7 hours they are saying, and 8 is better.

    Exodus chapter 6 - This is God telling  Moses to tell Pharaoh to "let my people go".  He rescued and claimed the Israelites as His own.  The end of the story is He claimed all of the rest of us through Jesus. 

    2005 - On this day, we had 12" of snow.  Most of my day was taken up with cleaning my walk and drive and I always did my neighbor Al's across the street.  We have been neighbors for 37 years, and even more now, I look out for her.  On that day she prepared dinner for us, so Mom and I got through the street and went over for dinner.  While we were limited to our travels that day, Nicole called and let me know she had traveled from her college, Albion, to State to be with friends.

    Parenting - There is no time when you stop worrying about your child.  It might get a little easier, but by that time the worries are on a grander scale.  You trade crossing the street on their own - for flying to Utah to snowboard. 

    Vancouver - It's cold here in Michigan, want to know what its like in Vancouver today?

    Weather Conditions for Vancouver, BC Canada
    • °F
    • °C
    • Wed
      37°F 3°C
      44° 37°

    • Enjoy the day! Make it memorable! 

    Tuesday, January 21, 2014

    January 21, 2014 Tuesday

    Love the balletcize.  She is British, with that nice soft accent and so graceful.  What an inspiration.  Glad I don't have a mirror in the living room to spoil the mood.

    1 Peter chapter 4 - The Christians in those days were living on borrowed time.  They had a much more urgent message for one another, and we should probably do the same, no one knows when their time is up, so - "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."

    1987 - On this day, I picked up Pete's grandmother, Xana, and took her to Mt Carmel hospital.  Her husband, Kostya, was there in last stages of cancer.  They were from Russia, and although they lived in a very modest home in south Warren, they had an air of aristocracy about them, they had been wealthy in the Ukraine a long time ago.  Kostya had actually skied out of a Siberian camp with another man, that wrote a book about their escape.  Now, there he lay, in terrible pain dying with cancer.  Neither of them spoke English very well, so I went to the nurses station and begged them to ease his misery with more pain relief and told them his story. It worked.

    Parenting - now there was an interesting family.  Pete's.  His mother and grandmother were originally from the Ukraine, (if I'm wrong they will both be here to haunt me soon.)  They were wealthy, and you could tell, well brought up.  Their manners and mannerisms spoke of good breeding.  Tatjiana, Pete's mother had been a ballerina, (coincidentally) and showed me pictures of herself as a child.  It must have been precious little memories that they had been able to escape with.  They traveled to Chechoslovakia, where Peter was born and then on to Germany until they were able to escape to the United States.  Pete was so catered to by both women, they fought over his attention, which is why I think he always had to have more then one woman in his life.  Didn't fly with me.

    Vancouver - current news - Vancouver, British Columbia, is one of the handful of major North American metropolises with no damaging earthquakes since modern seismic monitors were invented.
    Without an earthquake record to provide insight into how the ground under the city shakes during quake, scientists aren't sure what will happen buildings in the City of Glass when a future earthquake strikes. Recent earthquakes in other cities, such as Christchurch, New Zealand, and Los Angeles, show that damage can concentrate in zones defined by buried geologic structures, such as sedimentary basins (lows or valleys filled by sediment). Basins increase shaking by focusing seismic energy, like a magnifying glass focuses light. Seismic waves can also ping-pong back and forth inside a basin, like waves sloshing inside a swimming pool.
    A new study seeks to better understand how the big Georgia Basin surrounding Vancouver will fare in the next earthquake. The Georgia Basin is a shallow, wide bowl filled by silt, sand and glacial deposits. With computer simulations, researchers discovered that the city could see three to four times greater shaking during an earthquake than if the basin wasn't there. The findings were published today (Jan. 20) in the Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America.

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

    Monday, January 20, 2014

    January 20, 2014 Monday

    Abs of steel to start the week.

    Mark chapter 10 - James and John wanted preferential treatment.  In two thousand years things haven't changed.  The message hasn't changed though, we are here to serve not to be served.  Looking into that deeper, if everyone is serving, then you must also be getting served, right?  I think we need to think of others first and be grateful to those who serve us. 

    1986 - Mark went with me to the city council meeting.  They gave a few people awards for services done for the city.  I had volunteered for a few years in a one on one probation dept. program that they hoped would help teenagers stop repeat crime behaviors.  We all like to be recognized for our efforts, but most people (I think) don't do it for the recognition. (oh, unless you are a politician).  I feel like some of the people I worked with stood a good chance of changing their lives, but a few needed more rehabilitation then I could offer.  I pray they got it.

    Parenting - There are many situations in life that you can resolve with conversation or physical action, but not a broken or hurting heart.  That just takes time and healing.

    Vancouver -


    While Vancouver might best be known for its pretty face, its heart and soul is never more evident than in the many events - cultural, sporting and other -- that light up the city's days and nights. From Canucks fever to gallery shows and big name acts taking the stage, Vancouver's cultural scene is up and coming, and coming up strong

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Don!

    Sunday, January 19, 2014

    January 19, 2014 Sunday

    John chapter 11 - About Lazarus.  Jesus timed his arrival to be after Lazarus died.  Those that followed him knew he could heal the sick, but raising the dead was new.  This study was about how Jesus, even though he knew he would raise Lazarus, wept and mourned with the family and friends.  Another lesson learned for us. 

    1985 - On this day, it was Aaron's birthday, still is.  It was the first year that I actually celebrated  his birthday with him after marrying his dad.  We had Mark's and my family over for dinner, with cake and ice cream.  He was 7 and his dad wanted to give him a bicycle for his birthday, even though it was the dead of winter and snowing.  He was the best kid to gift, as he was always so appreciative and thrilled with anything you gave him.  That bike got a lot of miles on it.

    Parenting - I think, the best gift you can give a kid, is a bike, or a ball.  Both are timeless and useful on so many occasions.  When Nicole got older (before that I had a seat for her on my bike)  I would take the kids on long rides, through the neighborhood, down to the marina's, out for ice cream, out to the show.  Some days there would be 5 or 6 kids, friends that would go with us.  I was a stickler about riding on the sidewalks and until they were older I made them walk the bikes across the intersections.  they eventually quit taking me along.  I hope the new electronic age doesn't ruin biking.  I have seen kids biking and talking on cell phones, new worries.

    Vancouver :

    Activities & Attractions

    So much to do, so little time. From city pursuits like cooking classes, museums, galleries and more, to outdoor thrills like whale watching, white water rafting, deep sea fishing, zip-trekking and more, there's never a shortage of activity in and around Vancouver. The sky's the limit, and even then, where there's a will there's a way (and a helicopter to take you up).

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Aaron!

    Saturday, January 18, 2014

    January 18, 2014 Saturday

    Hit the Spot!  with Denise Austin.  Bonus video with 2 workouts, I would never do both on the same day.  This one is 3 minutes or aerobics and 1 minute of weights.  Drink water !

    Jude verses 20 - 25  Not too often I get this in a suggested reading, but I like it.  "Be merciful to those who doubt, save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear - hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh."  I am pretty much unable to hate anyone, I always consider what why and who, but will avoid contact with those who hate me.  (Taliban comes to mind)

    1978 - On this day, the train broke down at Sherwood and 8 Mile, which I drove everyday to work.  I was 45 minutes late for work, which they knew because it was announced on the radio.  We didn't have cell phones back then, only James Bond had one.  So, what do you do, in January, in Michigan stuck in traffic for 45 minutes.  Well you could pray, but most people in that circumstance are not in that frame of mind, right?  You could go back to sleep, your traffic neighbors would surely wake you up when the traffic started to move.  I am a marvel  at daydreaming, hence my lack of achievement in life.  I can put myself in any script, anywhere at a moments notice and still need that honk behind me to get me moving again. 

    Parenting - Had to think of the parents of those men that were featured in the movie "Lone Survivor" that I saw last night.  Not for the faint of heart.  Four Navy Seals were trained for combat and survival, to the extent of unimaginable ability.  The best shape a human being can be in, the epitome of fitness and strength.  If you remember the news, the mission did not go well and this movie is the reenactment of that.  My heart goes out to the parents of all servicemen and women, who have lost children or now have a wounded child home.  We have since the beginning of humanity, fought wars, given up mostly our men and now women to protecting what we believe in or what is "ours".  We have to immortalize them and thank them for their service, and I do when I see them, anywhere.  If we had all the tears shed by mothers of fallen warriors we could end the draught in California.

    Vancouver -   go to: Four Elements of Vancouver cuisine.  YUM

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Friday, January 17, 2014

    January 17, 2014 Friday

    Had I known that I was going to go out and shovel, I might not have got up and did Fat Burning with Denise Austin.  Not sure what happened there, over achiever I guess.

    2 Corinthians chapter 4 - vs 16-18 only  About keeping your eye on a goal that isn't visible.  I think its why we have been talking about supporting our faith and that faith of those around us lately.  The prize is eternal life, not like this life, better in ways that you haven't imagined yet.  This is a short life, that I think God gave us to enjoy, but why, knowing it was impossible for us to live a perfect life?  Then He gave us Jesus to forgive us for all the mistakes we make, so we can still have eternal life with him.   He REALLY loves us.

    1974 On this day- something you can relate to maybe-  My car wouldn't start, not unusual as I drove a lot of beaters in my life.  Waynette lived with me in Birmingham at the time, so being the great friend that she is, she drove me to work and picked me up.  Because I had no wheels, that was the only entry on that day, I rarely stayed home.  When you are single and 27 you always find some where to go, come to think of it....things haven't changed that much for me,  I still go out a lot.

    Parenting - I have always had a very active social life, unlike my mother.  Mom was/is not as social as I am.  My daughter, on the other hand, is also very social, and our social lives quite often cross paths.  I think it is healthy to have friends and also that you are judged by the friends you keep.  What do you think of your children's friends?  I think back to school days with Nicole and some of the friends that she chose.  Her one teacher told me she thought Nicole was going to be a lawyer, she was always defending someone in class.  All of Nicole's friends were good choices, and have become great adults, that I know of.

    Vancouver:  Vancouver is likely to follow state law on pot businesses.  Planning group will hold a hearing on matter Jan. 28. 

    Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

    Thursday, January 16, 2014

    January 16, 2014 Thursday

    I found a stationary bike thing and think it will come in handy for a little extra cardio on those days that I miss exercising in the morning.  Tomorrow will be a good day for that as I will be going to work.  It is just the pedal section of a bike that you can put in front of a chair and pedal.  I found it for mom at a garage sale and its getting dusty.

    Colossians chapter 1 - Thanksgiving and prayer.  This is about praying, always, for one another, to encourage each other in faith.  The study guide suggests to pray on your knees as a great privilege.  It reminds me of the hymn "What a friend we have in Jesus"  ie: "What a privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer".  Prayer the world's best wireless connection.  I received a t-shirt from my brother and sister for Christmas with this saying on it.  I love it.

    1968 - On this day, my girlfriend had a wig party.  Oh such fun. We tried on the long straight black hair, the short blond curly one, but my favorite, and I bought it, was a spiky red wig.  It actually altered my personality.  My fiancée Don thought it looked good, but said I turned into a witch when I wore it.  Funny, none of the Tupperware, home décor items, French bras, or other home party items did that, it must have been possessed. 

    Parenting - There is a young lady that was in the youth group at church when I was the youth director.  She admittedly needs a lot of attention.  Daily, she posts pictures of herself on facebook.  She is a beautiful girl, I just wish that somehow she would know that her humor and intelligence, her sense of righteousness and her penchant for stirring people up are so much more HER then that pretty face.  I would have never made a good runway mom. 

    Vancouver - Hey!  BNL is playing at the Queen Elizabeth Theater on Friday night in Vancouver.  Want to go?

    Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!

    Wednesday, January 15, 2014

    January 15, 2014 Wednesday

    Made the bad decision to not exercise today, maybe get something in later.  Trying to force myself to go to the Y and get on the treadmill.  Everyone needs a kick in the butt sometimes.

    Matthew chapter 6 - Do Not Worry.  So hard to do, but this from Jesus himself telling us to trust in God to take care of us.  Our problem might be that he doesn't provide on the grand scale that we have come to like.  I, personally, don't know anyone that doesn't have food and clothes.  If I did I would do something about it, not leave them naked and hungry.  In "our" world this might not seem relevant, except the worry, which is probably about our grand scale upkeep.  I do believe that God provides, - through us if necessary.

    2012 - On this day, it was Sunday and the evangelism board had coffee hour, and I was helping with communion and later that day had boards and council.  Not bragging, it is what you do if you belong to any club, group, organization, career, or whatever.  Church is what I have done for a long time.  Recently, some changes have been made and I have not been participating in the extracurriculars that I used to.  I still attend church every Sunday and I still attend activities and studies, but I have stepped down from leadership positions.  As in anything that you have done for a long time, it leaves a void.  I am looking to participate in more charitable and outreach projects.  Getting a slow start, but I will get there.  A change is as good as a rest.  (Who said that?)

    Parenting - I love when my daughter and I sit and talk.  I enjoy her company and love her outlook on life.  It also helps her to open up after a few drinks.  I would hope that you can sit and talk with your child, and listen, that's the most important thing.

    Vancouver:  a little more background and then maybe look at whats current:


    The vegetation in the Vancouver area was originally temperate rain forest, consisting of conifers with scattered pockets of maple and alder, and large areas of swampland (even in upland areas, due to poor drainage).[56] The conifers were a typical coastal British Columbia mix of Douglas fir, Western red cedar and Western Hemlock.[57] The area is thought to have had the largest trees of these species on the British Columbia Coast. Only in Elliott Bay, Seattle did the size of trees rival those of Burrard Inlet and English Bay. The largest trees in Vancouver's old-growth forest were in the Gastown area, where the first logging occurred, and on the southern slopes of False Creek and English Bay, especially around Jericho Beach. The forest in Stanley Park was logged between the 1860s and 1880s, and evidence of old-fashioned logging techniques such as springboard notches can still be seen there.[58]
    Many plants and trees growing throughout Vancouver and the Lower Mainland were imported from other parts of the continent and from points across the Pacific. Examples include the monkey puzzle tree, the Japanese Maple, and various flowering exotics, such as magnolias, azaleas, and rhododendrons. Some species imported from harsher climates in Eastern Canada or Europe have grown to immense sizes. The native Douglas Maple can also attain a tremendous size. Many of the city's streets are lined with flowering varieties of Japanese cherry trees donated from the 1930s onward by the government of Japan. These flower for several weeks in early spring each year, an occasion celebrated by the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival. Other streets are lined with flowering chestnut, horse chestnut and other decorative shade trees.[59]

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Tuesday, January 14, 2014

    January 14, 2014 Tuesday

    Pilates for Dummies.  I like the long rests between moves because she is explaining to the newbies.  I am a very lazy exerciser I think.

    Psalm 4 -  I like the last line " In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety".  I usually don't have trouble sleeping.  In general, I am a happy, peaceful person that enjoys everyday, loves the people around me, has accepted my place in this world and give God whatever I can't deal with.   I know that is easier said then done, pray on it.

    2000 - On this day, I called my friend Chris, her Mom died.  Now there was someone worth knowing.  She was born in Bulgaria,in 1903  but was never Bulgarian, she was Macedonian.  Lived in a village and married her husband, a wonderful man, Sotir Anastas ,  and had her first son there and then moved to Toronto Canada.  I wish I could tell you the year maybe around  1930.  They opened a restaurant on Bloor St and lived in the apt above the restaurant.  She had my good friend Xana (Christina) there in Toronto and another son George to go with the first son Ted.  She never spoke English, but somehow told me her history in Bulgaria, about the Turks and the Greeks over running the land that I don't believe has been called Macedonia for a long time.  At one time it was the largest country anywhere and much is owed to their civilization.  Her name was Velika.  She made the best bread EVER!!  God bless you Velika!  Rest in peace.

    Parenting - I do lose sleep over somethings.  When my daughter went to college, I went to a few seminars with Nicole, that explained how to choose a college and finance the education.  I flunked understanding that process. I thought they said that with scholarships (which she had) and help from the government for lower income families, and what I paid, which was a lot, that we could manage her college tuition.  As many are, she is burdened with huge debt from her six years of education and it seems unsurmountable.  Before you send your child off to any college, ask more questions then I did about financing.  Does she live home rent free now?  yes.

    Vancouver :  This does seem like a great place.  Here is a bit move background:


    23 official neighbourhoods of Vancouver (local usage varies)
    Located on the Burrard Peninsula, Vancouver lies between Burrard Inlet to the north and the Fraser River to the south. The Strait of Georgia, to the west, is shielded from the Pacific Ocean by Vancouver Island. The city has an area of 114 km2 (44 sq mi), including both flat and hilly ground, and is in the Pacific Time Zone (UTC−8) and the Pacific Maritime Ecozone.[51] Until the city's naming in 1885, "Vancouver" referred to Vancouver Island, and it remains a common misconception that the city is located on the island.[52][53] The island and the city are both named after Royal Navy Captain George Vancouver (as is the city of Vancouver, Washington in the United States).
    Vancouver has one of the largest urban parks in North America, Stanley Park, which covers 404.9 hectares (1,001 acres).[54] The North Shore Mountains dominate the cityscape, and on a clear day, scenic vistas include the snow-capped volcano Mount Baker in the state of Washington to the southeast, Vancouver Island across the Strait of Georgia to the west and southwest, and Bowen Island to the northwest.[55]

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Monday, January 13, 2014

    January 13, 2014 Monday - again

    Started the week with Rita, a little conga never hurt anyone.  I believe she is from Puerto Rico and I noticed a lot of these moves are reminiscent of loading boats, as in pulling the rope and lifting arms up and down.  I would guess a lot of ethenic dances reflect things that happened in peoples lives.

    1 Thessalonians chapter 2 - Here Paul is writing that he is sorry he can't be with the people of this country to help them build their faith.  He sends Timothy.  The faithful grew in number.  A story is also related by the author of todays study, that when an African village was invaded by Mussolini in 1937 and the missionaries were run off, the number of believers grew to be 10,000 because of the few remaining that shared God's word.  You don't have to be the head of a church to share the Gospel.

    1997 - On this day, we had a spaghetti dinner for the youth group.  Not just any dinner.  Maybe you have done this one.  You make a menu that includes everything from food to utensils, napkin etc..  You list it in a foreign language, or now just say your spell check screwed up and everything appears without rhyme or reason on the menu.  They have to pic 3 items for each of the 5 courses you serve. The result is they could pick a fork, napkin and glass of water for the first course.  You clear after every course, so they don't necessarily have utensils for their spaghetti or ice cream.  It's messy, but fun.  Try it, I even pulled this one on friends at a dinner party.

    Parenting - It is fun to have private jokes with your child, not mean behind the back things, but shared silly memories that only the two or three of you experienced.  They are very bonding.

    Vancouver - ok a little more background :

    Twentieth century[edit]

    The dominance of the economy by big business was accompanied by an often militant labour movement. The first major sympathy strike was in 1903 when railway employees struck against the CPR for union recognition. Labour leader Frank Rogers was killed by CPR police while picketing at the docks, becoming the movement's first martyr in British Columbia.[42] The rise of industrial tensions throughout the province led to Canada's first general strike in 1918, at the Cumberland coal mines on Vancouver Island.[43] Following a lull in the 1920s, the strike wave peaked in 1935 when unemployed men flooded the city to protest conditions in the relief camps run by the military in remote areas throughout the province.[44][45] After two tense months of daily and disruptive protesting, the relief camp strikers decided to take their grievances to the federal government and embarked on the On-to-Ottawa Trek,[45] but their protest was put down by force. The workers were arrested near Mission and interned in work camps for the duration of the Depression.[46]
    Other social movements, such as the first-wave feminist, moral reform, and temperance movements were also instrumental in Vancouver's development. Mary Ellen Smith, a Vancouver suffragist and prohibitionist, became the first woman elected to a provincial legislature in Canada in 1918.[47] Alcohol prohibition began in the First World War and lasted until 1921, when the provincial government established control over alcohol sales, a practice still in place today.[48] Canada's first drug law came about following an inquiry conducted by the federal Minister of Labour and future Prime Minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King. King was sent to investigate damages claims resulting from a riot when the Asiatic Exclusion League led a rampage through Chinatown and Japantown. Two of the claimants were opium manufacturers, and after further investigation, King found that white women were reportedly frequenting opium dens as well as Chinese men. A federal law banning the manufacture, sale, and importation of opium for non-medicinal purposes was soon passed based on these revelations.[49]
    Amalgamation with Point Grey and South Vancouver gave the city its final boundaries not long before it became the third-largest metropolis in the country. As of January 1, 1929, the population of the enlarged Vancouver was 228,193.[50]

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! 

    Sunday, January 12, 2014

    January 12, 2014 Sunday

    A day of rest.  If you say you shouldn't make food because you are resting and you go out and eat and make someone else work, how does that work?

    Matthew chapter 3 - Baptism, the day we celebrate Jesus being baptized and remembering our own baptism.  It is important, it is the day we invite the Spirit into our own life or the child we are standing up for.  I don't think it makes it impossible for entry into heaven, but I think it makes it a lot easier, like having a membership card.  Please consider yourself a member anyway, Jesus left his name at the door for you.

    1990 On this day, I wish Marty were still around to tell this story.  He loved Toto, they were soul mates.  Mark was working the boat show at Cobo hall and the kids,  Marty and I decided to have pizza for dinner and then watched tv until Mark got home, late and asked what we had for dinner.  Marty said " we left you a whole pizza on the table."  Mark looked and didn't see anything till he found the empty pizza box under the table.  The dog had eaten an entire large pepperoni pizza and was laying next to the table looking like only a guilty dog can.  Who else has a "my dog ate it"  story?

    Parenting - That joyful moment when they are showing pictures on the big screen in the front of the church during servicem of the youth gathering they had been at - and there's your daughter with a unicorn head on.  Fortunately you couldn't tell it was her, but I think most people knew.  I love my daughter.  Blessed be the joyful for they shall bring joy.  He didn't say that, I did.

    Vancouver -


    The City of Vancouver was incorporated on April 6, 1886, the same year that the first transcontinental train arrived. CPR president William Van Horne arrived in Port Moody to establish the CPR terminus recommended by Henry John Cambie, and gave the city its name in honour of George Vancouver.[32] The Great Vancouver Fire on June 13, 1886, razed the entire city. The Vancouver Fire Department was established that year and the city quickly rebuilt.[33] Vancouver's population grew from a settlement of 1,000 people in 1881 to over 20,000 by the turn of the century and 100,000 by 1911.[38]
    Vancouver merchants outfitted prospectors bound for the Klondike Gold Rush in 1898.[29] One of those merchants, Charles Woodward, had opened the first Woodward's store at Abbott and Cordova Streets in 1892 and, along with Spencer's and the Hudson's Bay department stores, formed the core of the city's retail sector for decades.[39]
    The economy of early Vancouver was dominated by large companies such as the CPR, which fuelled economic activity and led to the rapid development of the new city;[40] in fact the CPR was the main real estate owner and housing developer in the city. While some manufacturing did develop, natural resources became the basis for Vancouver's economy. The resource sector was initially based on logging and later on exports moving through the seaport, where commercial traffic constituted the largest economic sector in Vancouver by the 1930s.[41]

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Saturday, January 11, 2014

    January 11, 2014 Saturday

    Aerobics - after looking out at the "soggy,foggy" mess outside, I decided the only way to improve my disposition would be to workout.  Did some aerobics and then rewarded myself with yummy French toast. (home made, not frozen).

    2 Peter chapter 1 - building your faith progressively.  To believe in something you need to study it and understand it.  In baptism you received help in both believing and understanding, by receiving the Holy Spirit.  Then through life, you build and deepen your faith by practicing, like exercising.  Nicole pointed out that some people think that they choose to believe in God, where we believe that God has already chosen you.

    1988 - On this day, a very pleasant memory.  Cold winter day, Nicole was 3 and we spent the day on the couch reading.  We always started with Beatrix Potter, the 12 book set.  At 3 she would tell me that I skipped something if I missed a word, she had most of them committed to memory.  I always have a book (nook) open, maybe today I will revisit Peter Rabbit, wish I had a kid here....Nicole?

    Parenting - I think reading to your child (and I hope it is not a lost art) is good on so many levels.  First of all you are usually close to the child, lap or arm around etc.  snuggled.  Then there is the melody of your voice, crooning the words on the page, not the correctional "mother" voice.  The sharing of a common interest and delight in a pleasant or exciting story.  The new dimension of being in another place together in imagination.  Ah, very pleasant.

    Vancouver -

    Early growth[edit]

    The Fraser Gold Rush of 1858 brought over 25,000 men, mainly from California, to nearby New Westminster (founded February 14, 1859) on the Fraser River, on their way to the Fraser Canyon, bypassing what would become Vancouver.[29][30][31] Vancouver is among British Columbia's youngest cities;[32] the first European settlement in what is now Vancouver was not until 1862 at McLeery's Farm on the Fraser River, just east of the ancient village of Musqueam in what is now Marpole. A sawmill established at Moodyville (now the City of North Vancouver) in 1863, began the city's long relationship with logging. It was quickly followed by mills owned by Captain Edward Stamp on the south shore of the inlet. Stamp, who had begun logging in the Port Alberni area, first attempted to run a mill at Brockton Point, but difficult currents and reefs forced the relocation of the operation in 1867 to a point near the foot of Gore Street. This mill, known as the Hastings Mill, became the nucleus around which Vancouver formed. The mill's central role in the city waned after the arrival of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) in the 1880s. It nevertheless remained important to the local economy until it closed in the 1920s.[33]
    The settlement which came to be called Gastown grew up quickly around the original makeshift tavern established by "Gassy" Jack Deighton in 1867 on the edge of the Hastings Mill property.[32][34] In 1870, the colonial government surveyed the settlement and laid out a townsite, renamed "Granville" in honour of the then-British Secretary of State for the Colonies, Lord Granville. This site, with its natural harbour, was selected in 1884[35] as the terminus for the Canadian Pacific Railway, to the disappointment of Port Moody, New Westminster and Victoria, all of which had vied to be the railhead. A railway was among the inducements for British Columbia to join the Confederation in 1871, but the Pacific Scandal and arguments over the use of Chinese labour delayed construction until the 1880s.[36]

    Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

    Friday, January 10, 2014

    January 10, 2014 Friday

    Abs of Steel this morning.  Good strengthening for the back, so I can shovel move snow.

    James Chapter 5 - about patience.  This disciple obviously never drove during rush hour.  He does say to practice patience, compassion and mercy as God does with us.  I believe the key word here is practice. 

    1982 - On this day, I looked out my bedroom window and thought WOW the neighbors must have flooded the yard for an ice pond.  It was very cold, like this year and my hot water pipe burst under the house and flooded water all night to both my neighbors and my yard.  I called into work and called a plumber.  I got ahold (with divine intervention) of Cass.  He and another guy came and went under the house (crawl) and spent 3 days, digging up the semi buried pipe, replacing and insulating them.  The real culprit was a hole left open on the back skirting of the crawl space from recent construction.  I made soup and coffee and whatever I could for these 2 guys and at the end, he gave me a bill for $800.00.  As I tell you everyday, from the Bible,  there IS a God.

    Parenting - Possibly the hardest time of being a parent is that last month of being pregnant, waiting for that child.  Now that's patience.  The reward is seeing that sweet baby born and handed to you.  Patience is rewarded.

    Vancouver -

    Exploration and contact[edit]

    The first European to explore the coast of present-day Point Grey and parts of Burrard Inlet was José María Narváez of Spain, in 1791, although one author contends that Francis Drake may have visited the area in 1579.[24] The city is named after George Vancouver, who explored the inner harbour of Burrard Inlet in 1792 and gave various places British names.[25][26][27]
    The explorer and North West Company trader Simon Fraser and his crew were the first known Europeans to set foot on the site of the present-day city. In 1808, they travelled from the east down the Fraser River, perhaps as far as Point Grey.[28]

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

    Thursday, January 9, 2014

    Thursday January 9, 2014

    Get Started!  with weight watchers video.  aerobic dance with intervals of weight workouts.  I think just remembering all the dance steps or motions that they do is a workout for my memory.  Love those fish arms.

    Luke chapter 24 - Jesus appears to the Disciples.  That is after he died on the cross and was resurrected 3 days later.  He appeared to a great number of people during this time and promised to leave the Spirit behind to help us keep the faith.  I can understand how those who have not been baptized with the Spirit might find this story  hard to believe.  Risen from the dead,  He is risen indeed.

    1980 - On this day, it is Mom's birthday.  But I got the gift in 1980.  Christine's brother George called from Toronto and told her he had seats on a charter plane that included 8 nights in the Bahama's for 180.00 each.  I called my friend Linda and we packed and made train reservations to Toronto for the following day.  I still went to Mom's for dinner that night, but no cake, I usually bake her a cake.We had a ball didn't we Linda?  Take a vacation!  Should have gone to Tahiti with Annie.

    Parenting - Today is Mom's 92nd birthday, she lives with me and has for the last 10-12 years.  She is still pretty sharp, not real mobile but  has a great appetite.  Nicole and I will take her to Logan's for dinner tonight, and have cake all weekend for anyone that comes over.  Wish I could take her to the Bahamas,  I would have to go to you know.

    Vancouver - I would go to Vancouver, in the summer. Here is some more info:

    Indigenous people[edit]

    Archaeological records indicate the presence of Aboriginal people in the Vancouver area from 8,000 to 10,000 years ago.[21][22] The city is located in the traditional territories of the Squamish, Musqueam, and Tseil-Waututh (Burrard) peoples of the Coast Salish group.[23] They had villages in various parts of present day Vancouver, such as Stanley Park, False Creek, Kitsilano, Point Grey and near the mouth of the Fraser River.[22]

    Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mom!