Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17, 2014 Friday

Had I known that I was going to go out and shovel, I might not have got up and did Fat Burning with Denise Austin.  Not sure what happened there, over achiever I guess.

2 Corinthians chapter 4 - vs 16-18 only  About keeping your eye on a goal that isn't visible.  I think its why we have been talking about supporting our faith and that faith of those around us lately.  The prize is eternal life, not like this life, better in ways that you haven't imagined yet.  This is a short life, that I think God gave us to enjoy, but why, knowing it was impossible for us to live a perfect life?  Then He gave us Jesus to forgive us for all the mistakes we make, so we can still have eternal life with him.   He REALLY loves us.

1974 On this day- something you can relate to maybe-  My car wouldn't start, not unusual as I drove a lot of beaters in my life.  Waynette lived with me in Birmingham at the time, so being the great friend that she is, she drove me to work and picked me up.  Because I had no wheels, that was the only entry on that day, I rarely stayed home.  When you are single and 27 you always find some where to go, come to think of it....things haven't changed that much for me,  I still go out a lot.

Parenting - I have always had a very active social life, unlike my mother.  Mom was/is not as social as I am.  My daughter, on the other hand, is also very social, and our social lives quite often cross paths.  I think it is healthy to have friends and also that you are judged by the friends you keep.  What do you think of your children's friends?  I think back to school days with Nicole and some of the friends that she chose.  Her one teacher told me she thought Nicole was going to be a lawyer, she was always defending someone in class.  All of Nicole's friends were good choices, and have become great adults, that I know of.

Vancouver:  Vancouver is likely to follow state law on pot businesses.  Planning group will hold a hearing on matter Jan. 28. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!

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