Monday, January 20, 2014

January 20, 2014 Monday

Abs of steel to start the week.

Mark chapter 10 - James and John wanted preferential treatment.  In two thousand years things haven't changed.  The message hasn't changed though, we are here to serve not to be served.  Looking into that deeper, if everyone is serving, then you must also be getting served, right?  I think we need to think of others first and be grateful to those who serve us. 

1986 - Mark went with me to the city council meeting.  They gave a few people awards for services done for the city.  I had volunteered for a few years in a one on one probation dept. program that they hoped would help teenagers stop repeat crime behaviors.  We all like to be recognized for our efforts, but most people (I think) don't do it for the recognition. (oh, unless you are a politician).  I feel like some of the people I worked with stood a good chance of changing their lives, but a few needed more rehabilitation then I could offer.  I pray they got it.

Parenting - There are many situations in life that you can resolve with conversation or physical action, but not a broken or hurting heart.  That just takes time and healing.

Vancouver -


While Vancouver might best be known for its pretty face, its heart and soul is never more evident than in the many events - cultural, sporting and other -- that light up the city's days and nights. From Canucks fever to gallery shows and big name acts taking the stage, Vancouver's cultural scene is up and coming, and coming up strong

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Don!

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