Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saturday January 4, 2014

Good cardio and strength training with Jillian this morning.  Trying to build up to hang in there for more then 5 circuits.  I did cut back to the 3 lb weights, that helped.  I'll get there.

Philippians chapter 1 - I thank my God every time I remember you.  This should bring joy to all of us who knew Hilary, that now she is closer to God to thank him for us....  thanks Hilary.  Paul thanked God for his persecution and imprisonment, because it strengthened the faith of his followers and gave him new people to reach out the gospel to.  Setbacks can make us stronger I guess.

1991 - On this day- husband Mark and I took the kids and went to Grandma and Grandpa's in Florida the day after Christmas, but today was the day we headed back home.  We had a TV in the car then, but you drove out of the reception area every 1/2 hour or so, but the kids always entertained themselves some how.  Their dad entertained them too, like the multi colored loose pajama type pants that he wore home in the car.  When we got to Tennessee we finally stopped for the night and all piled out of the car at the hotel to get a room.  After the key was handed over and we were walking out the young girl at the counter called out to Mark "I like your pants" in her best deep south accent.  We have never forgot it.  Good times and memories.

Parenting - I prefer to remember all the wonderful times we had as a family and there were many!  The trips, the boat racing the parties and barbecues.  The kids had a great, happy childhood with a lot of love and loving people around.  Great friends also added to a positive upbringing.  Give your kids lots of happy memories and show them how you treat people (assuming that's good) and they will grow up to replay those experiences in their own lives.

Vancouver -
City in Canada
  • Vancouver, officially the City of Vancouver, is a coastal seaport city on the mainland of British Columbia, Canada. The 2011 census recorded 603,502 people in the city, making it the eighth largest Canadian municipality. Wikipedia
  • Area: 44.39 sq miles (115 km²)
  • Founded: 1886
  • Weather: 34°F (1°C), Wind 0 mph (0 km/h), 97% Humidity
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