Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday January 6, 2014

Got out and shoveled snow early with Nicole.  That was two hours of good workout.  Think I might do some yoga later to stretch out and rest those muscles.

Matthew chapter 6 - this is about giving to the needy and prayer.  It says to not brag about your good deeds and how much you pray, which makes sense and usually makes others mad at you.  It is hard to not share if it is in fact part of your daily life, and when does it stop being bragging and just being casual conversation because that is what you did today?  Anyway, keep giving and praying and let God sort it out.

2005 - On this day, I had gone into the hospital the day before with chest pain, which turned out to be my gall bladder.  In the mean time, still thinking it was heart they did a catherization to see if I had a  blockage.  The doctor had to make two attempts to get the "thing" in and finally reached the heart from the groin area.  He excitedly turned the screen to me so I could see that the screen looked like fire works, he kept smiling and saying "look NO blockages beautiful!"  that was a good thing, but all during this the nurse had to stand for two hours putting pressure on the first "nick" as he called it so I didn't bleed to death. Thank a nurse for their undying dedication to patients. Wish I could call her and thank her again.  I will offer up a prayer for her, oh shouldn't have told you.

Parenting - Nicole and Mom stayed at the hospital with me.  After that procedure you have to lay flat on your back for 6 hours, which is ok if you can sleep, but then you risk that you might turn.  Nicole fed me a sandwich and held the straw so I could drink without lifting my head.  You really need family at the hospital because as great as those nurses are, they are terribly overworked and can use all the hands they can get to help. 

Vancouver - The City of Vancouver encompasses a land area of about 114 square kilometres, giving it a population density of about 5,249 people per square kilometre (13,590 per square mile). Vancouver is the most densely populated Canadian municipality, and the fourth most densely populated city over 250,000 residents in North America, behind New York City, San Francisco,[5] and Mexico City.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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