Thursday, January 2, 2014

Thursday January 2, 2014

December was a busy month, I have had some people tell me they miss my daily rantings so I am back. 

Nicole gave me a new workout video with Jillian Michaels.  It is a pretty intense workout with weights, and, she gave me some 5 lb weights to bring me up to speed.  Well this isn't the workout to use 5 lbs with.  Into the third circuit Jilliam says they are only using 3 lb weights.  My arms were ready to implode, now I know why they tell you to watch all the way through before you attempt to do.  It will be a nice addition to my repertoire though.  Hope you keep your resolution to exercise. 

Nehemiah - chapter 8.  One line here says that Ezra read the law to the men, women and others.  I asked Mom who the "others" might be and she quickly replied "the teenagers".  The people of Israel were hungry for the word of God.  Too often we only depend on a preacher or teacher or Bible study guide to hear the word of God, I think it is good to go back to the source and read it yourself.   Add reading the Bible to your day, in addition to hearing the word from and with others.

1988 - On this day, which is usually pretty repetitive - cold temperatures, very often heavy snow and most every year taking down Christmas décor.  Mom was still in her own home in Eastpointe and made a beautiful rib roast for us.  She talked about it a lot over the holidays this year  because I made one, (for the first time) on Christmas Eve, which also turned out perfect.  I don't trust my cooking skills enough to work with that expensive a cut of meat.  With the help of wine, I got through it and dinner, with Yorkshire pudding, was delish.  Hope your holidays were wonderful.

Parenting -  From birth to death, from siblings to parents, whether you have children or not, everyone parents, or cares for, instructs someone else or offers opinions.  It is important to remember what you put into someone else's head might stick with them their entire life, good or bad.  I think it is important to only consider what is good for that person and not how it might benefit yourself, or how it might make you look.  An example might be in divorced parents turning children against the other parent, which leaves a legacy of sorrow.

Vancouver ! Canada - While you were watching football (I was too) we moved the location from Unalaska southeast to Vancouver.  Check it out beautiful place!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable.  Happy Birthday Darrel!

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