Sunday, January 19, 2014

January 19, 2014 Sunday

John chapter 11 - About Lazarus.  Jesus timed his arrival to be after Lazarus died.  Those that followed him knew he could heal the sick, but raising the dead was new.  This study was about how Jesus, even though he knew he would raise Lazarus, wept and mourned with the family and friends.  Another lesson learned for us. 

1985 - On this day, it was Aaron's birthday, still is.  It was the first year that I actually celebrated  his birthday with him after marrying his dad.  We had Mark's and my family over for dinner, with cake and ice cream.  He was 7 and his dad wanted to give him a bicycle for his birthday, even though it was the dead of winter and snowing.  He was the best kid to gift, as he was always so appreciative and thrilled with anything you gave him.  That bike got a lot of miles on it.

Parenting - I think, the best gift you can give a kid, is a bike, or a ball.  Both are timeless and useful on so many occasions.  When Nicole got older (before that I had a seat for her on my bike)  I would take the kids on long rides, through the neighborhood, down to the marina's, out for ice cream, out to the show.  Some days there would be 5 or 6 kids, friends that would go with us.  I was a stickler about riding on the sidewalks and until they were older I made them walk the bikes across the intersections.  they eventually quit taking me along.  I hope the new electronic age doesn't ruin biking.  I have seen kids biking and talking on cell phones, new worries.

Vancouver :

Activities & Attractions

So much to do, so little time. From city pursuits like cooking classes, museums, galleries and more, to outdoor thrills like whale watching, white water rafting, deep sea fishing, zip-trekking and more, there's never a shortage of activity in and around Vancouver. The sky's the limit, and even then, where there's a will there's a way (and a helicopter to take you up).

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Aaron!

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