Friday, January 3, 2014

Friday January 3, 2014

Pilates with resistance ring.  Leg squats and lifts with the ring around your thighs so it adds additional tension.  For the arms, using one hand to hold the ring while you pull against ring for biceps, chest and triceps.  Not bad and only 20 minutes.  Nice warm up for snow shoveling.

Micah chapter 6 -  Humility.  tough to swallow for us "be all you can be people".  I actually saw 3 separate readings from different resources this morning that all mentioned humility.  Must be the word for the day.  In Micah we are reminded of all that God does for us, which in fact, should make us humble.  You need the Holy Spirit to help you achieve this I think..... lots of Spirit.

1990 - It isn't a good way to start the year, but on this day it was my sister Alice's dad that we had the funeral for.  Joe was a great guy, loved to play cards - cheat, according to my brother Mark.  Funerals and weddings always bring families together, the joy and sorrow.  That's what families do.

Parenting - Most everyone I know, at my age, have already lost their parents.  I am blessed to still have my Mom, the last of her generation, on both sides of my family.  She will be 92 this month and is still in reasonably good condition, except, for her hearing.  I bought her some wireless head phones for the TV for Christmas.  I have been getting a headache from the TV blaring, so.  She doesn't like them, says they ruin her hairdo.  Bless her heart, hope she learns to read lips soon, just kidding.

Vancouver - our location for January.  Take a look at the history :

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable!  Keep those resolutions!

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