Saturday, January 25, 2014

Janyuary 25, 2014 Saturday Is this month over yet?

Love the AM Yoga, so relaxing.  I put the electric fireplace on so its nice and warm on the floor, get a nice soft blanket and the strap for leg stretches, a glass of water and begin.  So relaxing.  CAT ATTACK!

Matthew chapter 24 - Jesus tells us "no one knows".  I don't worry about the end.  The world ends for many people everyday.  The study writer mentioned how Pompeii started out as a normal, business as usual day and wiped out the entire city.  They talk about being prepared... spiritually, because if it is the end of the world, don't spend time on your DNR.  Get your God on.

1989 - On this day, had to take baby gerbils to Macomb pet store.  I really didn't want gerbils, they are mice of a sort and these were white and contrary to public opinion, they were NOT the same sex.  Every 6 weeks there were babies, little eraser looking things that of course were cute when they got fluffy white hair and were still the size of an eraser.  My last comment to the counter person at the pet store was always "don't feed them to the snakes".  Oh, and this was also Tatjiana's name day.  It was a bigger deal to them then their birthday.  I wonder if they celebrate it in heaven.

Parenting-  Anyone that has children has had pets.  Unless you escaped by having allergies, then it was probably a goldfish.  Lucky you.  We had cats, dogs, birds, fish and gerbils.  Aaron brought them home, no one else would take them, and they were both girls.  We got one of those massive plastic gerbilscape things with tubes, slides wheels, etc.  It was noisy, especially when our gay gerbils got pregnant, I assume they both did by the number of baby gerbils we had.  One finally killed the other.

Vancouver - It is a beautiful city.

About Vancouver

Vancouver's Skyline
With its scenic views, mild climate, and friendly people, Vancouver is known around the world as one of the best places to live and is a popular tourist attraction. Vancouver is also one of the most ethnically and linguistically diverse cities in Canada with 52% of the population speaking a first language other than English.   
Vancouver has been host to many international conferences and events, including the 2010 Winter Olympics and 2010 Winter Paralympics

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Name Day Tatjiana  RIP

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