Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 26, 2014 Sunday A day of rest

It might be a day of rest, but I probably will have to shovel a little snow.  It's light and maybe a little cold but the fresh air will soothe my cabin fever.

Psalm 40 - 1-3, about being patient.  This has been my resolution for the last two years.  I have a problem with it.  Here it talks about King David being patient with God, waiting for an answer to prayers.  That is a different perspective.  I can't imagine telling God to hurry up, after all He has eternity, OH, so do we. 

1991 - On this day - the kids ice skated all day.  The fire dept used to fill a couple of indents in the playground at the school behind us.  Nicole would have only been 6 but still would play hockey with all the boys.  While they were skating Mark and I bought Aaron another bike for his birthday, a mountain bike, he had outgrown his old one. 

Parenting - I was fortunate that my kids were always busy.  Sure, they had the electronic games of the times and loved to watch movies, but most of the time they were active.  Times change, but I hope parents see the benefit to the long range health of their children in not being too inactive.  It doesn't hurt to join them in a game of basketball, etc.  Do yourself some good!  How about a spin at the roller rink, if you don't ice skate?

Vancouver - The travel group that we have been doing for 5 years now met  last night.  We have such a great time together, and bring such wonderful dishes to share.  Not sure the chili, shepherds pie or stuffed potato skins were Vancouver recipes, but the salmon must have been.  Of course there was Canadian beer.  As far as studying our location, maybe not as much as I do, and I try to fill them in,  but we are a VERY social group.  I would encourage anyone to use this world city basis for get togethers. > More
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    Photos & Videos

    A browse through the Tourism Vancouver photo and video gallery will introduce you to this city like nothing else can - because you really can't get an idea of the scope of Stanley Park, the beauty of the skyline and mountains, or the enthusiasm of the locals via text. A picture really is a worth a thousand words

  • Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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