Friday, January 24, 2014

January 24, 2014 Friday

C'mon keep moving!  I know its cold, just find a little something to do.  I was pretty empowered today.  Denise and I did a weight lifting set and I have moved up to working with 5 lb weights, which really makes a difference to me.  As kids, we are constant motion, and we got out of bed like a shot.  I think it is all about moving.  You won't regret it AND drink water!

Romans chapter 10 - Great verses here - " Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." and "how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"  Spread the word of God so everyone knows who to call on and remember to thank the messenger.

1980 - On this day, Andy brought furniture over because I was babysitting the girls for the weekend.  They went up to their cabin in St Helen, probably for snowmobiling.  Merri and Lindsey would have been 3 and 1, I guess.  I wouldn't have remembered this weekend if I hadn't noted it in my journal.  Must have been a pleasant time, no calls for help, or hospital visits occurred.  I was probably in my glory, Merri loved to be read to.

Parenting - I love to read to children.  Nicole's childhood books sit on my bookshelf, waiting to be read another 100 times.  My favorites were Beatrice Potter's animal stories and any/all of the Dr Seuss books.  Nicole liked the Berenstein Bear books, but I donated the whole set to the elementary school.  Such good stories that kids could relate to.  And of course the Bible stories.  Promised myself I would get involved in a reading program this year.

Vancouver -  little more current news.  We are all in the same boat with budgets and politics I think.
VICTORIA — British Columbia Premier Christy Clark repeated her promise of a balanced budget Wednesday, less than a month before her government tables a fiscal plan that is expected to have a thin surplus.
The Liberal premier staked her re-election last year in part on keeping the province's books balanced, and she told a business audience in Prince George she and her finance minister will keep that promise.
"We have balanced our budget, and in February, Mike de Jong, our finance minister, is going to introduced the second-consecutive balanced budget here in British Columbia," Clark said during a speech to the Premier's B.C. Natural Resource Forum.
The Liberal government is scheduled to table its provincial budget on Feb. 18.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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