Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28, 2014 Tuesday Is it spring yet?

Started out with yoga, that is on the am cd, which is very relaxing. (without the cat)  I did the pm section for the first time.  Have to work at this, my backward stretches aren't what they used to be, but I tried what I could.  Test yourself a little!

Ephesians Chapter 5 - 15-21  God's will.  But He (I believe) gives us free will.  Make every opportunity to follow his will, he won't make you, but He wants you to.  When we make bad choices for ourselves, which is against His will, we are the ones that suffer the consequences. "Do not get drunk on wine".  Sometime His will is hard to follow, isn't it?  So, He sent Jesus.

1996 - On this day, Mom Nicole and I were trying new churches.  It happens occasionally, that a church doesn't fit anymore, so we looked for a better fit, for our family.  Today was the first time we went to First English.  One of Nicole's friends from school went there and a family from our last church had moved there and said they liked it.  We switched our membership.  We didn't switch faith, just where we practiced, sometime you need to do that.

Parenting - My daughters faith is very important to me.  I can honestly say that it is a top priority with me.  Recently, we have been attending another church because she does not feel accepted at our old church anymore, because she is gay. There are other churches that she feels accepted at, so we simply attend there. Our faith has not changed.

Book club - My Antonia,  mentions that in the rural small town where this is staged, a mishappen black man that is blind, is brought to town to play piano.  The children are fascinated by: his looks, his music and the fun they have dancing to it.  I wish I could hear him, sure I would love it.

Vancouver - What a beautiful city, here is some info to look into traveling there and a birds eye view of the city:
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  • Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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