Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31, 2014 Friday!

not today.

Genesis chapter 3 - This is the story of the serpent telling Eve she could eat of the tree in the Garden of Eden and would become smart like God, and of  course she shared that with Adam.  This story has a lot to talk about, but I suggest - it wasn't a serpent.  Pretty sure it was a cat.  Think abut it they lure you into thinking they are so cuddly and cute and then POW they lunge at you.  Well our cat does.  You have to love any story from Genesis, and most people know those Bible stories better then any.

1980 - On this day - the opening statement was "the cat came home".  Now that was a nice cat and I looked all over and called for it.  I also had a dog, Ziggy, who really missed his cat.  This is not a good time for any animal to be out, especially this year.  The cat and dog were inseparable, I took them in the car with me and out on the boat.  Be sure to bring your animals in during this cold weather!  I was so happy to find that cat or be found by the cat.

Parenting - Prior to having children, and well most of my life I have had pets of one kind or another, not always of my choosing, but I told you about the gerbils.  Dogs and cats are just like children to some of us, they are part of the family,  loving and entertaining.  They also need disciplining and as with our children, we pay the price if they aren't.  Still talking about that cat.

Book club - My Antonia - There is a very descriptive telling of the lead charactors going to a play.  Good writing, I felt like I was there. 

Vancouver - last day and we move on tomorrow to Wyoming!  Jackson Hole, get your cowboy on!

Fadin' by 9 - A Special Evening at Magenta Theater

Calendar Date:
Saturday, February 1, 2014 - 7:30pm

Fadin' by 9
Please join local Vancouver band Fadin' by 9 for a special evening of "bluegrassified" rock, folk, and bluegrass at the Magenta Theater as they showcase songs from their new CD,"Gone." Featuring vocal harmonies, burning banjo, suave six-string, profound fiddle, and beat-booming bass.
Tickets are $10 in advance or at the door. Buy tickets now. 
Doors open at 7 p.m. Show starts at 7:30 p.m. 
If you decide to spend an extra day in Vancouver, or miss your plane, you could see this.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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