Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 29, 2014

Pilates to lose weight.  This CD has 3 levels of participation so that if you are starting out you can take an easier route and still feel accomplished.  Do what you can and build up to the next level.

Philippians chapter 1 - Paul is in chains.  Some of the early Christians did their best work while in dire circumstances.  I will let you figure that out yourselves.  St Paul was certainly selfless and undaunted when it came to preaching the Gospel.  Christ's story is the good news and the best thing you can hear when you find yourself in dire circumstances.  Share the word with someone who needs it, even if you are in chains and give the glory to God.

1967 - On this day, I did something I never do anymore.  Iron.  It used to be that you had to put time aside to iron.  The fabrics in those days required it.  We had the pop bottle with holes in the cap to sprinkle, the iron did not have a steam or spray setting.  It had some advantages.  You were standing, rather then laying on the couch watching TV.  And, I loved the smell of a clean blouse or shirt coming up in your face, I can still smell it.  Occasionaly something needs ironing these days, but, I'm not even good at it anymore. 

Parenting - We are in the middle of a record cold snap.  Kids have been home from school more then they have  been there it seems.  I'm sure the parents are feeling that way.  With at home parents, you have the problem of keeping them busy, or letting them watch TV or use electronics all day.  The difficult situations, though, are the parents who work and their places are not cancelled for snow days.  Lucky, if you have family or friends to step in for you, if not, you are left with choices.  Are they old enough to stay home alone?  (Sometimes 21 is still too young)  I know a lot of people that make that decision.  I believe the law says 12 is the legal age to leave a child home alone.  Anyone know?

Book club - "My Antonia"  I'm finding that social distinction was prevalent even in the old west or rural areas.  People that lived on farms were looked down on by people who lived in the towns.  We sure now how to find our differences don't we?  Too bad we don't spend more time on the similarities. 

Vancouver -  Just a couple more days, pick up those souvenirs now!

5 Best Places to Try Poutine for the First Time in Vancouver

best poutine in Vancouver 2014
Are you drooling yet?
Image courtesy of James Cridland |
Trying poutine in Vancouver is like having croissants in France, sushi in Japan, and bagels in New York. It’s a must do if you’ve never tried it. It’s the quintessential dish of Canada, and while it may have originated in Quebec, Vancouverites sure do know how to pack a plate full of delicious, steaming hot fries smothered in gravy and squeaky cheese curds.
If you’re new to Canada, or just have never had a chance to try poutine, it’s time to take a trip to flavour-town and experience the taste sensation that some of the best poutine in Vancouver has to offer.

While many restaurants and bars feature poutine on their menu (even McDonald’s introduced it in the last few months), there’s something to be said for visiting a restaurant that specializes in the ultimate Canadian comfort food. 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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