Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 23, 2014 Thursday

Kathy Smith Fat Burning Workout - its so cold that even the name Burning sounds good today.  It does stir up the internal heat to get you going.

1 Peter chapter 5  To the Elders and the Flock  vs 7 "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. "  It is hard to give it up, we think we can handle it all ourselves, or that we have to. 

1978 - On this day, Pete and I played pool in a mixed league at Big Bills Saloon.  It was on a week night so it wasn't too rowdy, just good socializing and fun.  I always played pool, and wasn't too bad at it.  We had a pool table in the basement when I was a kid, so I had some practice.  I would say it was more luck then skill though.  My cousin Don liked to remind me how he would take me to the pool hall in New Baltimore when we were teenagers to watch me clean up on the locals.  I believe that was what they call a legend.... more story that got better every telling.  What are you good at?

Parenting - Mom was talking about when we lived out on Maceday Lake, when I was a kid.  She said that Dad had an ice shanty on the lake that the wind blew way over to the other side.  There were some wealthy people on the other side of the lake and when they saw Dad trying to push his shanty back home they sent their black housemaid out to help him.  I was horrified at the story.  Mom just thought it was an amusing story.  The difference between generations.

Vancouver - news item;
Only Hong Kong tops Vancouver as least affordable city
First the bad news — if the average Vancouverite could duck all income taxes and live entirely expense-free it would still take 10 years to bank enough money to buy outright a home in the city. Now the “good” news — it’s even worse in Hong Kong.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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