Saturday, January 18, 2014

January 18, 2014 Saturday

Hit the Spot!  with Denise Austin.  Bonus video with 2 workouts, I would never do both on the same day.  This one is 3 minutes or aerobics and 1 minute of weights.  Drink water !

Jude verses 20 - 25  Not too often I get this in a suggested reading, but I like it.  "Be merciful to those who doubt, save others by snatching them from the fire; to others show mercy, mixed with fear - hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh."  I am pretty much unable to hate anyone, I always consider what why and who, but will avoid contact with those who hate me.  (Taliban comes to mind)

1978 - On this day, the train broke down at Sherwood and 8 Mile, which I drove everyday to work.  I was 45 minutes late for work, which they knew because it was announced on the radio.  We didn't have cell phones back then, only James Bond had one.  So, what do you do, in January, in Michigan stuck in traffic for 45 minutes.  Well you could pray, but most people in that circumstance are not in that frame of mind, right?  You could go back to sleep, your traffic neighbors would surely wake you up when the traffic started to move.  I am a marvel  at daydreaming, hence my lack of achievement in life.  I can put myself in any script, anywhere at a moments notice and still need that honk behind me to get me moving again. 

Parenting - Had to think of the parents of those men that were featured in the movie "Lone Survivor" that I saw last night.  Not for the faint of heart.  Four Navy Seals were trained for combat and survival, to the extent of unimaginable ability.  The best shape a human being can be in, the epitome of fitness and strength.  If you remember the news, the mission did not go well and this movie is the reenactment of that.  My heart goes out to the parents of all servicemen and women, who have lost children or now have a wounded child home.  We have since the beginning of humanity, fought wars, given up mostly our men and now women to protecting what we believe in or what is "ours".  We have to immortalize them and thank them for their service, and I do when I see them, anywhere.  If we had all the tears shed by mothers of fallen warriors we could end the draught in California.

Vancouver -   go to: Four Elements of Vancouver cuisine.  YUM

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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