Friday, January 10, 2014

January 10, 2014 Friday

Abs of Steel this morning.  Good strengthening for the back, so I can shovel move snow.

James Chapter 5 - about patience.  This disciple obviously never drove during rush hour.  He does say to practice patience, compassion and mercy as God does with us.  I believe the key word here is practice. 

1982 - On this day, I looked out my bedroom window and thought WOW the neighbors must have flooded the yard for an ice pond.  It was very cold, like this year and my hot water pipe burst under the house and flooded water all night to both my neighbors and my yard.  I called into work and called a plumber.  I got ahold (with divine intervention) of Cass.  He and another guy came and went under the house (crawl) and spent 3 days, digging up the semi buried pipe, replacing and insulating them.  The real culprit was a hole left open on the back skirting of the crawl space from recent construction.  I made soup and coffee and whatever I could for these 2 guys and at the end, he gave me a bill for $800.00.  As I tell you everyday, from the Bible,  there IS a God.

Parenting - Possibly the hardest time of being a parent is that last month of being pregnant, waiting for that child.  Now that's patience.  The reward is seeing that sweet baby born and handed to you.  Patience is rewarded.

Vancouver -

Exploration and contact[edit]

The first European to explore the coast of present-day Point Grey and parts of Burrard Inlet was José María Narváez of Spain, in 1791, although one author contends that Francis Drake may have visited the area in 1579.[24] The city is named after George Vancouver, who explored the inner harbour of Burrard Inlet in 1792 and gave various places British names.[25][26][27]
The explorer and North West Company trader Simon Fraser and his crew were the first known Europeans to set foot on the site of the present-day city. In 1808, they travelled from the east down the Fraser River, perhaps as far as Point Grey.[28]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!

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