Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22, 2014

Did not exercise today.  Woke up in the middle of night to a loud bang, like a roof caving in. (that's what I thought)  Could not get back to sleep.  The health "officials" are reminding us more of how important sleep is.  Make sure you get at least 7 hours they are saying, and 8 is better.

Exodus chapter 6 - This is God telling  Moses to tell Pharaoh to "let my people go".  He rescued and claimed the Israelites as His own.  The end of the story is He claimed all of the rest of us through Jesus. 

2005 - On this day, we had 12" of snow.  Most of my day was taken up with cleaning my walk and drive and I always did my neighbor Al's across the street.  We have been neighbors for 37 years, and even more now, I look out for her.  On that day she prepared dinner for us, so Mom and I got through the street and went over for dinner.  While we were limited to our travels that day, Nicole called and let me know she had traveled from her college, Albion, to State to be with friends.

Parenting - There is no time when you stop worrying about your child.  It might get a little easier, but by that time the worries are on a grander scale.  You trade crossing the street on their own - for flying to Utah to snowboard. 

Vancouver - It's cold here in Michigan, want to know what its like in Vancouver today?

Weather Conditions for Vancouver, BC Canada
  • °F
  • °C
  • Wed
    37°F 3°C
    44° 37°

  • Enjoy the day! Make it memorable! 

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