Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday Januaray 8, 2014 Guess what day it is?

I took the day off.  Problem is I always feel like I forgot something and wonder what it is all day.

Colossians chapter 3 - Great advice or maybe instruction is a better word.  (13) "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone."  It's a good day for this, early in the year, clean the slate.  I forgive anyone I have a grievance with as of this moment.  This is a great reading and puts your Christianity into perspective.  Forgive and be forgiven by God.

1977 - On this day, my friend Pete took me to pick up my Austin Healy Sprite.  It was the little two seat, yellow sports car.  Not the bug eye version, but the cheaper style, but I loved it, especially in the summer with the top down.  But it was doomed, like it had a bullseye on it.  Pete was forever fixing it or taking it into the collision shop.  I was never personally in it in an accident, it just attracted other cars when it was parked, maybe they didn't see it, it was small.  Anyway, Pete found the most interesting people, a black guy that lived in an old house down in the city and could find any part for any car.  You had to take a bottle of gin and sit and drink with him, leave a note with the part you needed for what vehicle and your phone number.  When he called you had to take another bottle of gin and go pick it up.  Now that's a great memory, and he was a great guy to listen to.  Never assume anyone is forgettable.  Drink gin with someone, even if you don't like it.

Parenting - My daughter is well aware of my previous life, BN (before Nicole).  She has heard it all from friends and family who have wanted to share and enlighten her, so nothing surprises her.  I enjoyed many experiences and know a lot of people because of it, and am tolerable of many personalities.  My life changed dramatically when Aaron and Nicole entered my life, probably because in my family, that was how kids were raised.  You provided a safe, loving environment, surrounded by family and friends that grew with your kids and taught them love and responsibility to each other and themselves.  They seem fine.

Vancouver -
Vancouver is consistently named as one of the top five worldwide cities for livability and quality of life,[15][16] and the Economist Intelligence Unit acknowledged it as the first city to rank among the top-ten of the world's most livable cities[17] for five consecutive years.[18] Vancouver has hosted many international conferences and events, including the 1954 British Empire and Commonwealth Games, UN Habitat I, Expo 86, and the World Police and Fire Games in 1989 and 2009. Canada will host the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup, and several matches will be played in Vancouver, including the final at BC Place Stadium.[19] The 2010 Winter Olympics and 2010 Winter Paralympics were held in Vancouver and nearby Whistler, a resort community 125 km (78 mi) north of the city.[20]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!


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