Monday, March 30, 2015

March 30, 2015 Monday

Get Fit
Pilates today.  After working out for the last 20 years pretty consistently I was still surprised at the results.  I bought one of the weight watcher scales that tells you your BMI, bone mass, etc.  All of my numbers were in the accepted range.  That's great but I still want to lose 10 lbs.  Don't quit trying! 

Ephesians 3:1-4 This is a perfect week to allow yourself to study the mystery that is Christ.  As Paul says here "Jesus wants friends and companions."  Listen to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, read it.  Find out how he walked with his friends for 3 years on this earth and is still deeply worshiped and adored 2,000 + years later.  He is that wonderful and He loves you and died for you.

On this day;
2003 - Mom came over for dinner and her and Nicole and I talked about what our plans were.  Mom had not been feeling well and she had troubles at her apartment. Her car had been stolen from the parking lot, then another car ran into her apartment building and right into her living room.  Nicole was going away to Albion for college and I was not looking forward to living alone.  Things happen and things change.  Change is not always easy for us to deal with.  Now it is another change.

0030 - Jesus of Nazareth was crucified. According to their calendar this is Easter.  Not a problem it is the outcome, not the date that matters.

Parenting/Family  Adjustments have to be made according to life.  Mom is now moved into nursing care and Nicole is back home.  This is probably not cast in stone either.  We do what has to be done at the time.  Nicole will be gone all summer to run Stony Lake Camp and I will be home alone.  Change.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties (excerpt)
     After catechism Judy and I would wait by the street for one of our parents to pick us up.  It was probably 5 or so miles to church and they most likely knew better then to trust us taking the bus. 
     Puppy Love by Paul Anka
     While we were waiting we talked about boys of course.
     “Do you think any of the boys in Catechism are cute?”  Judy asked.
     “No, do you?”  I quickly answered because it didn’t fit with the “type” of girls we thought we were.
     “No, but maybe that Dennis is okay” she said.

     “Yeah, he is kind of cute” I said because I could tell she liked him.
     “Have you talked to him?” I asked.

     “Yes, he asked if I lived near church one day, like he was going to maybe ask to come over or something”.
Juneau Alaska:
 Here is our last adventure before we move on!
Douglas Island Zipline Tour from Juneau, Juneau

Douglas Island Zipline Tour from Juneau

Juneau, Alaska
From USD $179.00

Enjoy the day!!  Make it Memorable!   Happy Birthday to Dave and Diedre!

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