Friday, July 31, 2015

July 31, 2015 Friday #Hope#opportunity#Ferriri#editingdone

Get Fit
I did Pilates - this one includes  toe exercises.  :)

Get Faith
John chapter 14 - God's house has many rooms including one for you, follow Jesus, accept the Advocate (Spirit) and know this. "All this I have spoken while still with you.  But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit Whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.  Peace I leave with you: my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  God hopes for you to come to him.

On this day;
2014 -  I called Ma (Pat) in Florida to wish her a happy birthday as I have for 30 years.  I also picked up Burger King for dinner for Mom, Nicole and I, as I have for many years.  Something's we repeat so often they are forgotten.  We take for granted things we can do easily, but Pat isn't in great health, so I need to call and Burger King are my favorite - going there today.

1932 - Enzo Ferrari retired from racing. In 1950 he launched a series of cars under his name. We all know these cars! 

I love memories that come from hearing a passage or a song.  "God's house" is one of those songs - sorry Nicole. 

Come Get These Memories of the Sixties  (just came back from editing and is back in their hands)

     My after school activities included hanging out at Clayback’s a store on Curtis across from Isaac Newton Elementary school.  Old man Clayback would come out with a broom and try to sweep us away, saying we were ruining his business.  He even called the police that made us “disperse” because we were loitering.  One of the guys was told it was a federal offence to sit on the mail box.  We all laughed, you couldn’t make that stuff up.  Poor Mr. Clayback, he tried hiring some of the kids to work the store thinking maybe they would be more considerate about his little business, but it just gave us an inside man to steel eggs.  Then we heard he was trying to get some of the boys to go in the back room.  That got around the neighborhood and really ruined his business. 
Motherwell Scotland
Get your stuff packed and pick up some souveniers, we leave for a new destination tomorrow!
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Pat, Darlene & Lauren

Thursday, July 30, 2015

July 30, 2015 Thursday #sticktoit#hope#SSI#justsayno!

Get Fit
Who doesn't like a dancers legs?  I downloaded a sheet of these from the internet and added to my regular routine.  As you know I am into a variety.  After working out for 20 years - I need to try many things, it works for me.  Find out what works for you and stick to it.

Get Faith
Nehemiah chapter 4- This is about the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem.  It was a huge job and the opposition was strong, but their faith in God kept their hope alive and under Nehemiah leadership they did finish the wall.  Hope and faith - two things Christians are famous for.  How's yours?

On this day:
2007-  I don't like to brood on this subject but occasionally I like to revisit so I don't make that mistake again.  My boss had gone out of town and left his son in charge.  I was accustomed to the boss accusing me of stealing from his "cash" envelope and on this day his son did the same.  If you know me, you know, I don't steal - not even a postage stamp.  If you are the type of person who does steal and makes reason for it then you believe that everyone steals.  What a terrible way to go through life, worrying about people, who you should trust, stealing from you.

1965 - U.S. President Johnson signed into law Social Security Act that established Medicare and Medicaid. It went into effect the following year.  Thanks to President Johnson for this, it was never more important to me than this year.

I watched across the street yesterday as my one neighbors 38 year old daughter talked to my elderly 89 year old neighbor who went into the house and then came out and handed something to the girl.  I gave that same girl 20 a couple years ago, knowing where it was going.  My old neighbor (who has Alzheimer's waved and came across to talk.  The girls mother came running out the door and sadly asked Al if she had given her daughter money.  Al said she didn't remember.  This girl has been an addict since she was 17 (confirmed by her mom).  Her mom lives on a thread and can't afford to give the girl a dime (rightfully so) she was so sorry that Al had given her some.  I told the mom - it made Al feel good and she didn't have any knowledge of where the money was going - so not to worry.  You can't help the situation, only the person using can help themselves - so sad for mom.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties 
     April 17 - About 1,400 U.S.-supported Cuban exiles invaded Cuba at the Bay of Pigs in an attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro. It was an unsuccessful attack
     But life went on at home.  Adam was working a couple of jobs and playing in a band at night or practicing in the basement with his friends.  We went to church every Sunday because I was still taking catechism classes on Saturday morning.  All those regular/normal activities made it seem like home was still home and family was still important.  We visited cousins and Aunts and Uncles, but at those times I missed Dad.  Mom was trying her best to keep us together, but I had other interests.
Motherwell Scotland

64 fixed penalties issued during Orange march in Motherwell

Tuesday Jul 21 Read more: Evening Times
More than 20,000 Orangemen and their supporters made their way through the streets of the town as part of the Boyne celebration procession. Last month the Order's Cultural and Heritage Day, dubbed "Orangefest", was held in George Square, despite major opposition voiced online.
Start the conversation, or Read more at Evening Times.  Interesting current news.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it memorable! 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 28, 2015 Tuesday #Hope#hope#hope#hopeforscones

Get Fit
With yoga being the rising star of workouts, again.  Planking is still holding it's own for over all strengthening.  The suggestion I am working toward is holding for one minute - 3 times.  Downward dog is another go to right now.

Get Faith
Psalm 42 - "By the day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me -- a prayer to the God of my life."  God gives us hope everyday to keep going and living this life and the hope for eternal life at the end of this one.  Do not lose hope God is good and stays with you.

On this day
2001 - I noticed my blog said that I had the roof ripped off and re shingled.  My question then was how long does a roof last, and I can now answer as I just had it ripped off and redone 2 weeks ago.  14 years.  I hope this one lasts longer.
1914 - World War I officially began when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia I wonder if people hoped this would be the last war.

My heart reaches out to the two mom's in Jupiter Florida whose 2 - 14 year old boys are out on the ocean somewhere.  They are holding out hope that they will be found.  It was a normal occurrence for them to go out in the boat fishing.  We all know that these things often end well and they are found, long after they lose hope.  I'm with the moms, I hope they are found soon.

Come and Get These Memories of the Sixties
     But I did spend family time too.  Mom liked to go to the indoor shows in the winter, like the camper show, or the builders show where they had all kinds of vendors at the State Fair in the Coliseum  selling their windows and carpets OR their mattresses.  I can’t tell you how many pictures we have of Mom, Martin and I in front of mattresses leaned up against a wall of something.  Mom would put on her pretty “face tilted, mouth slightly open staring off to the stars look” and Martin and I would be there standing in front of her with I’m bored to death looks.  The only thing that kept us interested was the smell of popcorn, almonds and other foods.  We collected bags of handouts and dragged them home, only to toss them in the garbage later.  Martin did like the fishing at the Sports- Arama or whatever it was.  He loved to fish.  They had a big tank filled with fish and a walk around it.  Martin, at 4 thought it was the real deal, and he always caught a fish.

(140) for Food in Motherwell

  • The Co-Operative Food Motherwell

    11A Woodilea RoadML1 5BJ Motherwell01698 734106
    ... Food stores everything you might need to prepare a delicious meal. The wide range of products includes cakes, conserves, chicken, fish, pork. To check out what the Co-operative Food has to offer,...  interesting.
  • Bacon, Cheddar and Chive Scones

    • Bacon, Cheddar and Chive Scones Image 1

    These look real good!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Rebecca and Jeff !

Saturday, July 25, 2015

July 25, 2015 #Normasbirthday

Get Fit
Walked with Norma and Pam this morning, with Norma telling everyone we met it was her birthday, even the Momma deer with her two babies and another small deer that walked with us a ways.

Get Faith
John 17   This is where Jesus prays for His Glory in God and for his disciples that they would be with God in His glory forever.  He also prays for those of us that are in His name because we beleive in Him, that we know - for thine is the kingdom and the glory, forever and ever amen.

On this day
It has always been Norma's birthday and for the last 40 years we have celebrated it.  This is the best year, she rented this nice house near the beach and we visited 4 wineries yesterday.  More today.  Nicole is coming down to help.

If I were better on this laptop I could do the rest of my blog - but I can't.  I'll be back Monday.

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!

Friday, July 24, 2015

July 24, 2015 Friday #Love#vaycay#friends

Get Fit
Went for a nice walk with Norma today here at Grand Beach.  The place she rented for our 4 day celebration of her birthday is 100' from the beach on Lake Michigan.  The houses in this range from rentable cottages to manors right on the lake that are beautiful.

Get Faith
Luke chapter 10 - Love your God with all heart and love your neighbor as yourself.  This chapter covers the Good Samaritan and Martha and Mary making decisions regarding the good  choices you should make about being faithful.  The instructions about sharing your faith with others and the behavior you should assume.  Who is your neighbor and what should you say to them?  Good info here.  Share the Love.

On this day
2009 - on this day - cousin Kathy and I went out to see cousin Donna and her husband Fred.  They have a beautiful home with a breathtaking backyard, surrounded by blue spruce with gardens in front and lots of bird feeders.  It was a favorite thing for them to sit out on the patio and watch the birds, squirrels and whatever else showed up to eat.  While we were sitting out there, Donna complained that she never got to see the hummingbirds, that Fred always saw them, but she always just missed them.  We all laughed because all the time she was talking there was a hummingbird right behind her head, hovering there.  Fred, (such a great guy) passed on not too long after that.  So glad we have that memory of him. (reprint from 2013)

Family can be anyone you feel you can trust, love to spend time with and have chosen to travel through life with, like the friends I am sharing this weekend with.

This is an abreviated blog, due to my friends interruptions.  

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!   

Thursday, July 23, 2015

July 23, 2015 Thursday #vacay#Spirit#shopping#

Get Fit
Did a few circuits with Jillian this morning.  I keep telling myself I will get further, but I honestly may be at my limit with this.  I will keep trying.  Going on a nice little trip with a couple of my besties this weekend - probably get some walking and maybe swimming in.

Get Faith
2 Timothy chapter 1 - A letter from Paul to his son Timothy.  "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."  I have heard this "oh, you are one of those religious types"  I used to find myself explaining or worse yet, apologizing.  I now just smile, nod and say "yes".  Faith lives in you by the grace of the Holy Spirit - whether you acknowledge it or not.  Don't be timid, stand up for your faith, we Christians need to stand strong together, the world is in a tough place.

On this day
2014 - Last year at this time I was up at Andy and Alice's for a week.  Alice and I went into Roscommon, which doesn't have a lot of stores, but a resale store there is worth the visit.  Because they are the only store like that in town - they get the motherload of hand me downs.  Great stuff, go see!  I'm hoping New Buffalo, where I am going this weekend will have some neat little places to see.

1886 - Steve Brodie, a New York saloonkeeper, claimed to have made a daredevil plunge from the Brooklyn Bridge into the East River. Why is this in the memorable important history?  Do you think he did? 

I hate leaving this cat, he is like a two year old with a bad case of separation anxiety.  I have a couple young girls coming to stay with him - I can only hope that he behaves himself.  In the middle of the night that blasted feral cat comes up to the window and it and Nola scream at the top of their kitty voices.  That will add some years to those poor girls.  I have left instructions.

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties

     Calendar Girl by Neil Sedaka
       We did spend a lot of time hanging out.  On street corners, at hamburger joints, on someone’s front porch – we were always out.  We wanted to be in each other’s company and we wanted to be older.  Old enough to be on our own, to have a car, go a lot of places and see a lot of people like ourselves.  We were starved for social activities and no one ever told me what the result of that hanging out was doing to me.  At fourteen I sure had the wanderlust.
Motherwell Scotland cuisine
Coffee Shop, Delicatessen, Bistro, Soups

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5 of 5 stars
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Awesome food, friendly staff and a great calm atmosphere when you want to chill out have a nice meal
This place gets great reviews!  Lets have lunch there - you can see their menu on line.

Enjoy the day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy birthday to Scott and Jason!