Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 28, 2015 Tuesday #Hope#hope#hope#hopeforscones

Get Fit
With yoga being the rising star of workouts, again.  Planking is still holding it's own for over all strengthening.  The suggestion I am working toward is holding for one minute - 3 times.  Downward dog is another go to right now.

Get Faith
Psalm 42 - "By the day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me -- a prayer to the God of my life."  God gives us hope everyday to keep going and living this life and the hope for eternal life at the end of this one.  Do not lose hope God is good and stays with you.

On this day
2001 - I noticed my blog said that I had the roof ripped off and re shingled.  My question then was how long does a roof last, and I can now answer as I just had it ripped off and redone 2 weeks ago.  14 years.  I hope this one lasts longer.
1914 - World War I officially began when Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia I wonder if people hoped this would be the last war.

My heart reaches out to the two mom's in Jupiter Florida whose 2 - 14 year old boys are out on the ocean somewhere.  They are holding out hope that they will be found.  It was a normal occurrence for them to go out in the boat fishing.  We all know that these things often end well and they are found, long after they lose hope.  I'm with the moms, I hope they are found soon.

Come and Get These Memories of the Sixties
     But I did spend family time too.  Mom liked to go to the indoor shows in the winter, like the camper show, or the builders show where they had all kinds of vendors at the State Fair in the Coliseum  selling their windows and carpets OR their mattresses.  I can’t tell you how many pictures we have of Mom, Martin and I in front of mattresses leaned up against a wall of something.  Mom would put on her pretty “face tilted, mouth slightly open staring off to the stars look” and Martin and I would be there standing in front of her with I’m bored to death looks.  The only thing that kept us interested was the smell of popcorn, almonds and other foods.  We collected bags of handouts and dragged them home, only to toss them in the garbage later.  Martin did like the fishing at the Sports- Arama or whatever it was.  He loved to fish.  They had a big tank filled with fish and a walk around it.  Martin, at 4 thought it was the real deal, and he always caught a fish.

(140) for Food in Motherwell

  • The Co-Operative Food Motherwell

    11A Woodilea RoadML1 5BJ Motherwell01698 734106
    ... Food stores everything you might need to prepare a delicious meal. The wide range of products includes cakes, conserves, chicken, fish, pork. To check out what the Co-operative Food has to offer,...  interesting.
  • Bacon, Cheddar and Chive Scones

    • Bacon, Cheddar and Chive Scones Image 1

    These look real good!

Enjoy the Day!  Make it Memorable!  Happy Birthday Rebecca and Jeff !

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