Wednesday, July 8, 2015

July 8, 2015 Wednesday #Faithfulness #Happiness #

Get Fit
The morning show was talking about what makes people happy.  Exercising came up a positive.  I believe that we all know we should exercise for our health and when we take that responsibility serious for our own well being - we feel better about being in control.  Make yourself happy today and take a walk or run or whatever it is that makes you a better you!

Get Faith
Isaiah chapter 6 - Isaiah's Commission -  Isaiah saw God and was so awe struck that he cried out how bad and unclean he was in the Lord's presence.  One of the seraphim few to him and put a live coal to his mouth to cleanse him.  He then told the Lord to send him to the people to give them a message.  Jesus came to us as the message of salvation.  You can accept it or not - your choice.  Choose wisely.  God is faithful.

On this Day
1983 - In one years time, Ty had met the love of his life, Norma and on this day they moved out of my house and into an apartment.  It had been a fun year with a lot of activity but everyone was getting the urge to settle in and start a real life.  Except me.  Slow learner.

1693 - Uniforms for police in New York City were authorized. Omigosh were they naked before?

Had the great opportunity to take Madison, Don's grand daughter out for the day for her birthday yesterday.  She turned 8 last month and what a difference a year makes in a child's appearance and behavior.  She is so much taller but what I noticed is her speech habits.  I hate to see them grow up but love to see them becoming the individual personalities that they are turning into.  What a great girl!  Happy Birthday Madison!

Come Get These Memories - of the Sixties
     When we got to the police station he said that my mom had a heart attack because I ran away.  Did I want to see her before she died?
     He drove me home.  Dad was there in his lazy boy just watching Mom talk to the police officer that dropped me off with my perfectly healthy mother.
Motherwell Scotland


Motherwell was noted as the steel production capital of Scotland, nicknamed Steelopolis, home of David Colville & Sons during the 19th and 20th centuries, with its skyline later dominated by the water tower and three cooling towers of their Ravenscraig steelworks which closed in 1992.[7][8] The Ravenscraig plant had one of the longest continuous casting, hot rolling, steel production facilities in the world before it was decommissioned. The closure of Ravenscraig signalled the end of large scale steel making in Scotland, although the town's Dalzell steel plate works continues to be operated by Tata Steel Europe.[9]
In the past decade, Motherwell has to an extent recovered from the high unemployment and economic decline brought about by this collapse of heavy industry. A number of call centres and business parks such as Strathclyde Business Park have since set up in the region. Large employers include William Grant & Sons whisky distillers and the Heavy equipment manufacturer Terex.
Motherwell has been a Fairtrade Town since January 2007.[10]     I
II see they brought in a distillery!  My grandmother was a tea totaler, except for her flask for medicinal purposes.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Kirsten! 

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